The World World Census

The Largest Publishing Industry in the World

The World Census tallied social media complaints from students regarding overpriced textbooks to determine which nations have the largest book publishing industries.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Confederacy of Undivulged PrinciplesLeft-wing Utopia“What goes around, comes around.”
2.The Commonwealth of PolinikiaAuthoritarian Democracy“I Raro Rani, I tasi poe (Under One Heaven, One People)”
3.The Pristine Redoubt of MindaliaLeft-Leaning College State“All in the world is magic.”
4.The United Socialist States of SpanScandinavian Liberal Paradise“We Own Y'all!”
5.The Republic of RothfaustCorporate Police State“Motto”
6.The Nihilist Hippy Commune of UmmagummaLeft-wing Utopia“You are only coming through in waves.”
7.The Empire of CorsariaCorrupt Dictatorship“Personal sacrifice for the betterment of all.”
8.The Commonwealth of Tierra del QuesoScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Just like France, without the snotty demeanor.”
9.The Rogue State of OreniaLeft-Leaning College State“Watch your back.”
10.The Constitutional Monarchy of JamesburghScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Let justice be done though the heavens fall”
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