
Region: The Alliance of Dictators

Zamboodle wrote: ISZ cells have begun to attempt to make contact with ISK, ISA, and ISKA in Karackistan and Anekhstan for support in the conflict against other factions and the innumerable warlords there. Even though ISZ is budding in power, a recent ambush on their convoy by radical militants of the Revolutionary Black Juche-Songun Study Militia lead by the secretive "Dae General" as well as loss of territory against the "God's Resistance Army" lead by Jared Kona in the southwest has proven that the faction is in need of aid.

The message is seen by ISKA dispatch and they respond with "We will send reinforcements, weapons, and ammunitions by convoy in Al-Qatari mountains"(The Al-Qatari mountains is the mountains at the "arm" of Karackistan where Khost and Kabul are) We will make sure to pray for you every night ALLAH AKHBAR!

Izakuria, Krusilov, and Czetakya
