
Region: Lazarus

Free market buisnesses

Hraban wrote:Who else here had snow over Easter?

I don't think it's gonna rain where I live until late fall.

Divine egypt wrote:He was Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. How those two nations managed to end up with the same dynasty I'm not sure. Then again, all European royalty is related due to all the inbreeding so...

Pretty sure the hundred years war started when the king of England inherited Normandy and that meant that he was technically meant to be a vassal of France, but he was the king of England, so how about no, so century long period of war.

Moaning Lisa wrote:Inbreeding? Like House Targaryen of Dragonstone in fiction, or the Hawaiian Royal family in history? How naughty!

Like "he had a single testicle black as coal" and "repeatedly baffled Christendom by continuing to live".

Delta Vega IV wrote:Oh, I don't think I can afford that much. Forget it.

Oh, the crystals are free, it's the consultation that'll cost you.
