
Region: Right to Life

Israeli gamers wrote:Hey, I know this topic is controversial and I want to get some feedback if possible and views on questions if that’s alright for those who consider themselves pro life because I do want to be open to other forms of views
1. If a abortion law was passed, ideally would you have it have no exceptions, up to a certain week, or would you like the procedure not carried out at all?
2. Do you oppose things such as Euthanasia, death penalty, unjust war because they arguably can take away a innocent life?
3. Do you consider Women’s rights a important modern day issue?
4. Would you favour more programs to prevent abortion? (Things like sex ed, access to contraceptives, and better welfare programs like expanded adoption programs)
5. Would you say this issue is important to you because religion or other values?

1. A few exceptions, primarily centered around situations that involve the mother's life.
2. For the most part, yes. Though "unjust war" is sometimes poorly defined.
3. Yes, though I support equal rights not equal outcomes.
4. Yes
5. I think I would oppose abortion regardless of what religion I was or even if I had no religion. However, my faith definitely affects how I approach the issue and the worldview underlining my opposition to it.

New Kiwis, Caterama, and West bethel
