
Region: Barbaria


Helric wrote:OCC: I am only assuming Fallih 'ceased-to-exist' because he left the region, and I believe this is how Helric should response to the situation.

IC: President Yuri has made an announcement in regards to the fall of Fallih.

"We as a nation, understand that the state of Fallih was once a home to a proud culture that resembles that closely to Helric's ways and traditions, we share an ancestry, history, and a proud lineage. Helric will be open to immigration to those from Fallih. On the condition that every immigrant must undergo an educational class on Helrican law, culture, and tradition; to prevent any culture clashing or potential misunderstanding. If immigrants can understand our minimal condition, they are more than welcome to be integrated into our society, and become that of our People. Of course you must find your own way here, but we will have to screen you when you enter for security reasons.

It should also be understood that Helric will not claim the land, nor have any involvement with how the regional government wishes to manage the discarded territories. If a state happens to reorganized under the disorganized territories, then we will go from there to begin to return to the proper formalities. All we can do now is resolve the uncertainty and confusion by contributing to the continental crisis.

However Helric does not have the jurisdiction to contribute to the migration of immigrants, and so that is where the nation has its limits. The only way the Helrican government could possibly receive, and process immigration and integration, is through the proper channels. I hope that Garnel will not disturb the migration of a sensitive race. Helric will intervene in any affairs that might prove any interference or mistreatment of these people."

President Yuri bows in respects to his request to the Garnelian government.

"That is all."

IC: Canmara has laid claims on Fallih, as in the nature of the native's culture, language, and heritage resemble that closer to that to Canmara. The claim has been made and official.

Three Militias were dispatched as governing bodies for Fallih, this will be used to properly channel the migrants and insuring stability throughout the duration of the war. "The last thing we need is an unstable state on the continent, we can't show weakness to the enemy."

