
Region: Lasagna

Inner AginanaUsordia wrote:For a year that has been rife with change, this signifies not a change in spirit, but a change in location. This region, after a short period of heated discussion, has fallen. Those who left their positions of power and prestige will be missed; those who proved their dedication to the Lasagnian culture will be forever remembered.
The government of lasagna will be disbanded soon. All nations are asked to please relocate to Blackstar, to continue their legacies.
Never forget the work we all did here. For those who built the region, to those who are new, we thank you for the experience.
It’s still Lasagna Forever. But now, a little bit of Blackstar ought to spice things up.

Everyone, I encourage you to join. The spirit of Lasagna must endure. Come with us and let’s continue our legacy of freedom and democracy in our new home.
