
Region: India

Indusse wrote:I thought of writing something more big here but my health and time ain't allowing me to, and here it is, I hereby announce my resignation as the Minister of External Affairs for the Government of India and yes I'll also lose my Jana Sabha Membership with that happening.

Secondly, I am also announcing my retirement from the politics related to this region. Which means I won't be contesting in any of the upcoming elections. About to be eight years in the region, and seven years of active politics is more than enough for me.

Further adding, I am hereby shifting my main nation in India from Indusse to Nirupama at this very moment. Nirupama being the primary factor that's binding me to this region shall also be the only reason I have not yet decided to retire from this region completely. This shall be enough for me to fulfill my duties and interests as the governor-in-charge of the region. Also, from now on do not expect me to be tolerating and friendly to folks out here. It ain't Indusse anymore, but Nirupama.

Now, would Indusse remain in this region? At this very hour, maybe yes. But the next hour, maybe no. I may go off as a nomad or settle elsewhere peaceful continuing with the roleplay I've been doing for the past six to seven years.

Indu / Nirupama.

An Era has passed. Nothing that belonged to it exists anymore.
All the best for your future endeavours.
