
Region: The Bar on the corner of every region

Cheese Campaign Update: The cheese bit back a little! It was handled with love. Careful for other rogue flesh-eating cheese pieces though! They like to spring up on you.

Nukes4Breakfast Update: Some more nukes for breakfast appeared and I swiftly brought them back to the Bar. I put them in the corner in case anyone wants one.

Another update for those in the nuclear bunker: I've secured some very exquisite marbles from the League of Marbles faction, but I'm not quite sure they appreciated my methods of acquisition. Nonetheless, around 700 marbles were obtained and anyone is free to play with them. I have exited the bunker so that my inactivity does not result in excessive radiation if we get nuked to oblivion. As of right now, there seems to be one member of the League of Marbles left because my nukes were intercepted by outside intervention from the Horsemen, for some reason. Hopefully this angry ball of marbles does not result in the demise of the security of the bomb shelter.

Zany Zanes and Ratfink
