
Region: The North Pacific

Aerilia's Weather Update:

Current temperature: 5.9°C
Feels like: 2.6°C
Humidity: 95%

Friday - 19th
Cloudy. Very high chance of showers, most likely in the afternoon and evening. Possible hail in the early morning.

Max: 14°C
Min: 5°C
Rain: 90% / 10-20mm
Wind: 25 - 40km/h
UV Index: Low

Daily Summary - Thursday 18th

Max: 14.9°C
Min: 10.5°C
Rain Recorded: 5.8mm

Indoor temperature: 18.5°C
Humidity: 61%

Davidianian, Ethnon, Holy axolotl, Ardonii, and 1 otherOceanica Empire
