
Region: Declansburg

Sivion Broadcasting Company (renamed from the Sivion News Network)
It has been over 24 hours since President Thacker was assassinated. His successor, Andrew St. Johns, was sworn in at 12:58 pm ND-A time. The private funeral will take place in Thacker's home town, Rosewood, two weeks from now. As per their wills, William will be buried in his military uniform; and the couple will be buried together. The public funeral will take place here in the capital two days after the private funeral. As per their family's wishes, the bodies will stay in Rosewood.

As for the dire situation that has been created, the agents and police did not catch the shooter that assassinated Edward Regan. However, it appears that the mystery shooter left in a hurry and left behind key evidence, such as the gun that was used, a change of clothes, and extra ammo. Regan died on the way to the hospital.
In the investigation of Pac derman potentially false flagging the Platoon of peace, our teams have discovered the ship initially had internal failures. As we should all know, a paper trail is needed nor should the ship have been moved from Derman docks. However, much of this paper trail has mysteriously vanished, destroyed, or was non-existent. Another potential theory put forward by investigators is the secret acquisition of PoP missiles; however, if that is the case, the Derman government may have failed to note the direction said missile came from. We await New Nationale Einheit for more evidence to make any more formal accusations and demands.
