
Region: Callista

Ethics committee of the scpf

Yazakhastan wrote:July 5, 1971 Twin Towers Construction Site. Three of Lorenzo's body guards see the two men and approach them, "Who are you?" Asks one of the men.

The men saying nothing, but they do hand over a folder.

Before it can be read however a multitude of shots can be heard nearby and as the men’s attention are drawn to what is possibly a turf incursion, the car hits rubber, disappearing down the street.

Later it will be found there was no gang incursion, but even more interesting is what’s inside the folder: a letter from a unknown person that is addressed to Don Lorenzo, telling him that later that day a group of business associates will appear in blue-striped suites at his house, and that they mean no harm and bring great opportunity with them.

Dollystana and Baloo Kingdom
