
Region: Liberal Democratic Union

Parliament of Potenzia Election Results : (650 Seats)

Monarchist Party: 36% (233)
Labour Party: 18% (120)
Green Party:18% (114)
Conservative Party: 14% (90)
Liberal Party: 9% (57)
Democratic Socialist Party: 3% (22)
Independent: 2% (14)

Aarón Rivera
Prime Minister of Potenzia

Monarchist Party
“Pau, Poder, Prosperitat.” This is the nation's oldest political party. Remaining loyal to the monarchy, the party trusts the reigning King or Queen to bring peace, power, and prosperity to the Kingdom.

Labour Party
“Stronger together.” A socialist party whose principles include a guaranteed minimum standard of living for everyone, nationalisation of industry, and heavy taxation of large incomes and of wealth to fund higher spending.

Green Party
“Turning over a new leaf.” This is an environmentalist, conservational party that seeks to grow the economy while maintaining a beautiful environment.

Conservative Party
“Trying to uphold true conservatism.” This party seeks to restrain the government from getting too much power. They desire more economic freedom and lower taxes.

Liberal Party
“Freedom with government.” The Liberal Party seeks the same things Conservatives do, except they think government can help bring freedom up. (For example, Conservatives support the absence of gun control. Liberals support gun control.)

Democratic Socialist Party
“Workers of the world, get elected!” The DemSoc Party is a libertarian-left party that seeks government control of the economy so that resources can be equally distributed to citizens. They also believe in elected government so that the economy is not controlled by the same people for a long time.

Read factbook

Following the recent parliamentary election, Emperor Alán de León has started to meet with top members of the majority party, the Monarchist Party. He will soon appoint a new Prime Minister to preside over the Parliament of Potenzia.
