
Region: New World Union

FNU wrote:Head of the team, Obrad Savić, began to speak. "As grateful as we are for your promises of support, they're unneeded. ANSA is doing fine currently, and our fleet even better. Cooperation militarily is ultimately out of my ability to agree to, as is political cooperation. However, trade is something I can approve alongside a new border. Your current sketch is more then agreeable, seeing as we were ready to just hand Greece over to save ourselves any further trouble." A brief pauses is followed by some chuckling. "Though next time, I might advise calling people to the table first, then landing your men."

Solaris remained stone faced. His disappointment was immeasurable and one could say his day was ruined. With a deep breath, he spoke again.
"And why would political and or military cooperation be off the table? You are aware what I mean hm? Protecting our waters, lines for our coast guards to communicate and coordinate potential threats such as refugees from Libya or piracy. So be it."

Solaris then paused momentarily.
"So what's your decision? Are you still leaving the entirety of Greece or will we be splitting our zones. One for your republic and one for a return to the Greek Monarchy."

The democratic nation of unovia, The Unified American Federation, and FNU
