
Region: Europe

sorry about delaying this catchup for quite some time. Originally planned this for 3 days ago, I'd like to pretend I was busy
Einswenn wrote:I thought of creating new alt which would share the lore of [nation]St Scarlett[nation], [nation]The New Nordic Union[nation], [nation]Yahlia[nation], [nation]Libertandonien[nation], [nation]The Oriental Empire[nation], and some others at the same time. Not sure if they really exist in each other’s universes but would exist in mine

Can I join 👉👈

Einswenn wrote:[spoiler=Scarlett don’t open]
In my dream Scarlett did something awful and she was fired from commissionership and the community was like tf scarlie, why

Same, except it was Y*hlia in my dream :P

Nardin wrote:New banners, what is this 👀

I got 17. Quite a few if them look pretty nice :o

St Scarlett wrote:Trying this again after I realised my own nation couldn't fit with any of the options XD

It's a bit more loose now with the confederation options being movements (so the confederation doesn't have to be something your government is pursuing necessarily)

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And as always feel free to discuss and elaborate on the RMB.

All of the overseas provinces have minor independence movements, but most people living there just want more autonomy, rather than leaving Apabeossie. However the movements have grown in some places like St hana since some other islands in the area gained independence.

Eco-Paris Reformation wrote:Home Office Announcement: The second Eurocord Trivia and Game will take place on July 17th, starting at 10:00 a.m. (US Eastern Time) and will end at 2:00 p.m. at the latest. The spoilers below contain details on who is hosting what, what the event will look like, how to attend, and more! I look forward to seeing you all on our Discord server! Please contact Eco-Paris Reformation if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Nice, I'll be looking forward to this.

Yahlia's missing the event again lol
