
Region: Europeia


E. I wrote this

During the Bronze Age, when the first civilizations resembling modern SpaghettiTopian cultures sprouted up, their neighbors to the north had already existed for a few decades. In that time, small conflicts would erupt between things like farms, land and women. In the Greek occupation and influence over Magna Graecia (their colonies in southern Italy), the Northeastern italian people sided with the romans to defeat us in war, partially due to an insult a Noodle had made to the ambassador.

After the breakup of the Roman Empire, we would both be under Byzantine rule, with the Northeastern italian nation becoming independent before us. After this, a gothic invasion of the last Byzantine holdouts in southern Italy had finally “freed” the Noodles living there. The following few centuries would be plagued by war, with kingdoms and territories changing every few decades. An important event for the Noodle people living in their main town of Bari would be a SpaghettiTopian king ascending to the throne of the kingdom of Naples. His name was Bruno Russo, and his reforms had brought an age of peace and prosperity.

This would facilitate a slow and steady growth of the population of ethnic Noodles, and it would grow and grow, and after a brief occupation by Napoleon, a large revolution would occur in 1848. Riots would break out after the previous king was assassinated and replaced by an ignorant, incompetent leader. These riots would soon turn into revolution, and we decided to oust monarchy for good. A new government would be formed, as a constitutional democracy….until communism happened.

It’s 1869 and Marxist belief is at an all time high! A communist leader is elected, and promptly dissolves democracy as an institution (whoops). The first leader, Giuseppe Ferrari would be okay, like a benevolent dictator. He would mostly rule well, until he died in 1890. After that, it all went down hill. Multiple strings of leaders were assassinated and a revolution happened in Naples. Workers, tired of being oppressed and being horribly treated by the government, revolt. Farmers, after previously being killed and genocided because of their lack of loyality, also revolt. This would be known as the 1902 Revolt. Communism would be toppled, and democracy would be reinstated with capitalism.

But capitalism still exploited the workers, union busting was prominent, and also the USA funded a dictatorship in the 50s. The dictatorship would be destroyed, and the state of unregulated capitalism would be ended, Regulations, strict pro-union laws, etc brought stability. Gradually, we just didn’t feel the need for companies anymore, More and more people would turn to State-owned enterprises out of the fear of losing their jobs to competing companies, and companies just fizzled away. Once we outlawed private enterprise, there wasn’t much to even be outlawed. Not, we’re socialist with tons of democratic functions. Capitalist parties are allowed, but they aren’t popular. Everything is going to stay the same.

Except for the possibility of nuclear war, potentially reverting back to capitalism, a union with Greater Rubisland???, etc.

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