
Region: Capitalist Paradise

Informed consent

Divided Wastelands of America wrote:I don't get why those fools "Protesting"
Are doing it in cities that agrees with them.

The cheap satisfaction of plucking low hanging fruit is incredibly orgasmic for the intellectually dishonest, shallow, and lazy.

It is why you do not see significant international activity from American activists who have no shortage of stages to virtue signal from in a sea of countries where truly demarcated and targeted political, ethnic, religious, and gender minority groups are bled every day by atrocity that is all but normalized by western powers because there are resources to exploit, or more importantly, common chords of authoritarianism to cultivate that take precedence over identity politics.

The interesting relationship between Islam and Progressivism is defined by this dynamic.
While Progressives are not overly fond of religious fundamentalism in the Abrahamic sense, they do appreciate the tyrannical aspects of theocracy to an extent that forms a cultural alliance.
The irony being that the lack of philosophical or forensic sensibility in any school of authoritarianism leads even the most secularly defined ideologies to be driven by their own brands of dogma and fundamentalist fervor to maintain political momentum.
