
Region: Capitalist Paradise

Informed consent

Divided Wastelands of America wrote:If it was up to me The 82nd Airborne would be Dropping into Ottowa to deliver the bill of rights to the Canadian People.
Along with a Brand new Government.
And if Turdeau doesn't like it he can go live with uncle Raśl.

At this point I think they'd be even be welcomed by some Canadians.

The first significant campaign of the newly formed Continental Army was an invasion of Quebec in June 1775.
Despite initial successes, it was a wonky wilderness campaign that quickly stalled for the poorly provisioned Americans, and they were sent packing in December after a failed siege of Quebec City.

Despite the subsequent democratic overhauls of British commonwealth countries they never strayed very far from the monarchy in spirit, and we have more than enough on our plate already dealing with Americans at home that want to put us back on our knees before a new age throne of some sort or another.

FASTERCAT, Anchillas, and Gulf Oil
