
Region: The East Pacific

Flers-Douai wrote:OOC: it’s like a hot tub you’d find at any regular hotel, except it’s twice as large. You’ll find out the rules there.

Corrie is in the middle of filling out her 20th transactional document for the embassy when she looks over to her open suitcase; it has been rummaged through with clothes haphazardly splotted across the floor. I should keep my things a bit more organized, she thinks to herself. I didn't think I would actually use the swimsuit I brought, but I suppose that's why I packed it... Just in case I really needed it...
Corrie looks at the clock and notices that only 40 minutes has passed. She was hoping to work for an hour, but her mind started to wander. After filling out so many documents in one sitting, it starts to become quite tedious.

"I think I'll leave now," whispered Corrie, so quietly she almost didn't even hear herself. She gathered her things. She proceeded to stuff the items, as well as her swimsuit, in a smaller bag. She would have to ask the receptionist where the spa was before she left. She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway and stopped, quickly turned around, and grabbed her key. Did she almost forget her room key?

I'm never like this, what is going on through my head? thought Corrie, perplexed by her behavior. Perhaps work was getting to deeply infested in her mind. She headed downstairs to the lobby.
