
Region: The Bar on the corner of every region

Armed forces of acara shura wrote:*He just stabbed himself with a needle, and then shot himself.*

I am not a trəə. This is skin. But anyway, bəing a trəə is effəctivə, if I would turn into onə. I didn't əvən touch anything you own.

Also, takə this.

*He handed Pricane a bottle of Vodinə. Writing on the bottle: "Marxes' Potion" and "Vodinə".


*He straight up ate the glass and drank the Vodinə.*

It is swəət. As I say; Swəət Vodinə əasəs thə pain.

What the fck?

*stares at the dead patron*

Brocky! He died.

*drinks vodinə,, feeling the pain go away*
Im gonna get so drunk off this...

Armed forces of acara shura
