
Region: The Bar on the corner of every region

Definitely not east lodge

Zany Zanes wrote:Ooh, feeling spicy today? Good choice.

Grabs a glass and whistles to a hole in the wall. It begins to bleed orange "juice" steadily as the bartender collects it. They set the glass in front of the customer.


Ah, I see. Well, I'm not their keeper, so I wouldn't know. Why? You hunting them down for some lifelong held vendetta?

*actually uses money to buy things*

No. That's another person, but I don't know who. Maybe Totally not east lodge. Eastie is apparently looking for them, and can't find them. They are apparently an exact copy. They want to find Eastie, but I don't think they'd want to meet in real life. Like a really messed up art project.

Zany Zanes and East lodge
