
Region: Liberal Democratic Union

Tuthar wrote:RP
Tonight in Vergesdor Joseph McCain gave his first official press conference regarding the rapidly increasing political tensions around the globe.
"my fellow citizens as I'm sure any of you know Sulasburg and Oruzia are pushing the world to the brink of war through alliances. I'm sure many of you wish to know where Tuthar stands on the matter. Our side in this conflict was decided far before this conference. The position of Tuthar is with Sulasburg. Oruzia is a nation with the ambition to create a empire. To grow and expand. They have waited in peace studying the fabric of the world for any imperfection to use as a excuse to justify their greedy conquest. This is why Tuthar stands with Sulasburg in the event of war which Tuthar know should see as sadly unpreventable . I encourage all Tutharians to sleep with one eye open and one bullet loaded".

TLDR: Oruzia is using the conflict as a excuse to become an empire and Tuthar stands with Sulasburg

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sasha Blitz

We are sorry if we presented ourselves as violent savege imperialists. We'd like you to hear our point of view. No, Oruzia is not building an empire. For example our controversial takeover of the Suez canal. We put it under our protection because of the instability in the middle east, the world economy would suffer greatly if the Suez fell under a oppressive regime or be turned into a battleground. That's why we took it under our protection. As for the situation in Sulasburg we where only protecting our people from the extreme right that threatend our freedom, I'm sure that Tuthar would do the same if it found itself in our position.
We hope that we cleared this misconseption of Oruzian interests to both Tuthar and the World. Oruzia wants only peace but it also wants the interests of the world and of the Oruzian people safe and protected.
