
Region: Liberal Democratic Union


Oruzia wrote:RP

(Note, during this event prime minister Connor is a nationalistic right wing politician, unlike the non event moderate social Democrat he is.)

Reichstag (parlament), Capital Naissus

A parlament meeting in the response of the violent protests in Sulasburg

Connor: "My fellow Oruzians *he calmly takes a sip of water before continuing*
Connor: "For long our continent stood as the beacon of democracy and freedom, I'm sure I don't need to remind you that the concept of democracy was created on our home the Balkans.
Then why? Why did this tragedy happen!?!
Why did our neighbours that claim to follow the concept of freedom allow this tragedy to take place?
Oruzians weren't the greatest people in the history, yes we committed atrocities but our generation has done everything it could to repent for the past and yet a protest of self governance, a protest for freedom has been met with gunfire and our people bleeding on the streets. Let me remind you that the people that died weren't invading soldiers but common civilians with hopes and dreams!
I ask again why did it happen? Il tell you...
The oppression of Hëmendil is still alive and well and is protected in the walls of our neighbors!
Our brothers and sisters can hardly find a well payed job there because of their last name God damnit! This example of eugenics is still present and is being used against the people that wish to the world no harm!
The Sula Government has to take full responsibility for this crime and punish the perpetrators if they wish for peace in our lands!
This tragedy wasn't a fight of mad tirants or a clash of ideologies... This my people was a fight for freedom! But those monsters didn't shoot at us because we wanted freedom! They shot at us because we're Oruzians! They still view us as a second class people and in a self proclaimed democracy to let those things happen! That's Hipocrisy! The Oruzian people demand retribution! We demand our freedom! And for our brothers and sisters across the world that are fighting the fight do not forget that there is nothing to fear... One of the strongest militaries of our time will protect you and will not stand silent in your moments of oppression! Oruzians remember! Oruzians fight for the right thing! And Oruzians cheer for we all know the motto of our people! Alles Gegrüßt Oruzia!"

*The parlament moved by the words starts cheering and yelling "All Hail Oruzia". The cheering turns into a song, in unison they sing the anthem of Oruzia for all world to hear*

Connor: "Our demands are clear, Sulasburg... give our people freedom!"

This is outrageous! Those were militia, not the Sula government! Your goevnment has made themselves and enemy of King Patiemur.

Oruzia, Sulasburg, and Tuthar
