
Region: Liberal Democratic Union


City: Tselįonáya-Iós

Province: Stië R'choios Hëmendil'êįoth (Capital Territory of Hëmendil)

Kingdom: Hëmendil

Seven have died and thirty-four are injured after a confrontation between protesters and fringe militia in the Hëmendil'ia capital of Tselįonáya-Iós. The protesters were assembled on the anniversary of the annexation of the Vlëáyn'st peninsula (OOC Istria) by Hëmendil'ia forces in 1813, overcoming the Oruzian population and imposing a government dominated by the imported Sula minority. Oruzians were treated initially as second-class citizens until Hëmendil joined the R'aldor Sulasburg’êįoth (Sula Federation, the name until 1892) in 1857. Well things are better now, there remains a large prejudice from both sides and it came to a head yesterday. The picketers were gathered on the plaza outside the Hëmendil'ia parliament, carrying signs and waving the flags of Oruzia and the proposed Istro-Oruzian Free State. After around ten minutes others in black clothing began gathering on the corners of the square, some bearing the symbols of the notoriously violent anarcho-xenophobic militia groups Aldor’êįoth Sulasburg (Our Sulasburg) and Aél'êįoth St'é (My Way). They stared down the peaceful activists for around half an hour more before one of them opened fire on the crowd, joined quickly by another. Police arrived within minutes but by that point three had already died with four more passing away in hospital (all were ethnic Oruzians). The militia were quickly rounded up and incarcerated under the V'ruliädil'ùlesta Aeiela Hy Carëas (Provision for Action During War) which was declared for a total of five hours in Stië R'choios Hëmendil'êįoth. Possessing a gun is illegal under Sula law, but many of those in the reserves (after conscription citizens are reservists until the age of 30) choose to keep possession of their weapons and many end up sold illegally. Further investigation will follow, and the Sula government expressly condemns the groups involved in the attack and offers sincere condolences to the families affected by this tragic event.

- Sfëįa Aiädil'ùl, Press Secretary for the Sula Ministry of The Interior
