
Region: The Leftist Assembly

Helionyx wrote:The former is close to my beliefs. But I want to think less is more. Less regulations, more the strategic lack there of. A lack of systems to enable abuse, and the maintenance of those that prevent it.

And yes, the community (my libertarian preferred word for state) should care for the healthcare, education, and basic necessities of all citizens. That's just a benchmark, and I don't think it's unrealistic. That's what taxes should be for. If people wanna dream bigger? Don't stop them, but make it difficult for them to become abusive.

For instance, instead of regulating copyright....ditch it. Just eliminate it. If you lack the ambition to achieve in straight competition, or you lack the altruism to contribute to society - why should the people fund your monopoly? Evolving beyond currency is another practical way to make power difficult to harness. Direct democracy is another. There are many strategic policies, or the lack thereof, that can contribute to a free economy and a free society.

You can sum it up: make any form of power slippery and difficult to grasp by design.

Thank you for answering.

