
Region: The Monarchy alliance

Hermes Express 123 wrote:The messenger stands up and replies, “I am Bergill, son of Beregond, messenger of the King.”

He finds a couch and takes a seat.

“Yes, we have a....monopoly of sorts on the industry of silk and elvish goods.”

Most of the High Elhad left the world for the undying lands. The few remaining high elves lived in Lindon and Lotheriel, while the more numerous Wood Elves remained in Dorwinion, The Greenwood and in the colony in Ithillien. As such, the Reunited Kingdom and its ally Dale remained as the only nations that still had large amounts of trade with Elves, and had a monopoly on Elvish goods like fine silks and fabrics, luxurious artwork and Perfume, and the top bows and instruments.

Aside from this, Gondor grew massive amounts of silk in the grand manor estates in Dol Amroth and Harandor around the Bay of Belfas, exporting it across the lands. Elvish goods and Gondorian silk held great value among the Nobility and Royalty of other nations

“By your interest, can I assume you wish to open trade for silk? Perhaps buy some? I’m sure your majesty would look wonderful in a silk dress?”

Bergill pleasantly smiled through this all. The crown lands would be a good ally

"We should like to create a contract of bond and honor for our merchants to trade for your silks and elvish goods on that case."

she smiled ever so faintly, it was good business after all
