
Region: Lyrali

Female mosquito

Frontier Isles wrote:That's right. Stygian colors, self-luminous colors, and hyperbolic colors are not on the color spectrum of light visible to humans, so these colors can only be seen as an after-image. Essentially, when a person stares at a color for a long time, the cones that recieve light inside their eyes will get tired, and when they suddenly look at another color, they'll see an "impossible" color because their eyes are still tired.

Magenta is a different case. Human eyes have three cones that pick up different colors: one for blue, one for green, and one for red. When a person looks at magenta, their red and blue cones are triggered, which is supposed to make green. However, their eyes know that they're not looking at green because their green cones aren't being triggered, so their brain panics and makes up magenta.

Oh wow!

It just goes to show that when the color comes are tired or (some of them) aren't triggered, the brain will either panic and make up magenta or their eyes will see an impossible color because they're still tired.

Thanks for telling me.
