
Region: The Monarchy alliance

The north atlantic provinces wrote:With this insult the US Government while fully capable of defeating the CSA themselves wants their defeat to be absolutely crushing, to do so they turn to one of their southern neighbors. The Virgin Empire, along with them the US also sends messages to the heads of state of The British Empire, France, and The Spanish Empire to strongly stand against the Communists
OOC: Tuirsland Hermes Express 123 Choslesay Herredka

The US Agents also take Mr. Hua to the CIA Head Quarters to incite a rebellion in China and begins an aggressive policy towards Communism and Socialism
OOC: Holy Roman Empires2

The Virgin Empire agrees to assist the USA against the illegitimate CSA and launches a blockade involving 100 ships(20 battleships 40 submarines and 40 destroyers)(yes im going to commit some warcrimes now) The Vessels are flying chinese flags of the illegitimate PRC to confuse the CSA, Another 200,000 troops are discreetly deployed to the Virgin-CSA border and Nuclear weapons are prepared.

The north atlantic provinces and Hermes Express 123
