
Region: The Commonwealth Of Furry Peoples

reality is rocks and trees and galaxies. its everything else we think we know that is a kind of shared phantasy.
little furry creatures with big sharp teeth do exist of course, and social interaction occurs,
but its in what we tell each other that it all gets a bit fuzzy and uncertain.

certainly there are bigger things then ourselves, just as there are smaller, but we are no more the center and reason for the existence of anything,
then is everything else. so there is a reality in the sense of everything that does not begin and end with ourselves and what we tell each other.

its what's there when no one is saying anything, and doesn't go away when no one 'believes in it'.
it owes nothing to our ideas of fairness, but is completely impartial.

there are statistical causalities that are completely real too, and those account for a lot of what we experience and how we make that so.
but really the reality that is certain is what is entirely separate and apart from ourselves, not just individually, but all of us together as well.

Greater new indus
