
Region: The Erviadus Galaxy

Technocracy of vermell wrote:"That just seems unreasonable. They should know by now we have eyes on that system," said Elana

"They probably never left," said Kalnin

"Elana raised her eyebrow, "We destroyed their capital planet, wrecked their weapon, and blew a third of their entire fleet to bits. What reason would they have to stay?"

"Nothing makes a better place to hide than a place that looks like no one would hide in. We used to do this back on Vara during my minning days as a kid, wreck-living we would call it. Make a Blue-Burst mine look abandoned, slowly smuggle some high-grade crude Blue-Burst out of there, then sell it to anyone who wanted it, bypassing all those pesky government restrictions back on Vara."

"You were born on Vara?" asked Elana

"Born and raised. I fled with the Free Navy after the end of the war on Vara, been living in the Yolan-3 system ever since," Kalnin responded. "But anyway, it makes sense what they are doing,' he continued "They are trying to make it look like the system is abandoned when in reality they are still working out of it."

"If they have any generals in that system, we could learn of their base of operations and mobilize against them. What do we know of the natives?" Terros asks.

Moraz'kul brings up two holographic images of humanoid like beings. "Well, we don't have names for them, but based from reports, they're both similar to some degree: tall stature, no eyes, white skin from an evolution in the dark, and a large head with a cavity used to create and pickup even the faintest sounds. One of the races is a bit more slender and thin, while the other is taller and bulkier, also with a slightly darker skin tone. We don't know why this is, but based off of pre-Great War records, it is possible these races were genetically engineered by the Enkithrian people prior to the fall of the Empire."
