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The Floating Feast slipped their anchor and floated away, let's hope the tide turns soon.

Iron fist grizzlies, The floating feast, and Agents

The floating feast

Flotsam & Jetsam returns! 😌

Iron fist grizzlies, Somersmead, and Agents

Starts the clock...

Somersmead, National freedom, and The floating feast

A Badly Conceived Designation wrote:Latest headline: "Prisons Abolished As Government Explores Progressive Sentencing"

I guess "an eye for an eye" counts as progressive sentencing.

So of course, almost immediately after that happens, I discover a testing objective that requires me to have prisons, and it takes me 72 days to get an issue to reinstate them.

Somersmead, National freedom, The floating feast, and Agents


Have the Meso.... nations finally ceased to exist for the last time?

Modbot 3000 ceased to exist, only 2999 left now.

National freedom, Portsville, The floating feast, and Agents

The floating feast

2999 Botts of Mod on the wall... 🤗

Somersmead, National freedom, and Agents

National freedom

Agents wrote:Starts the clock...

...and calibrates the constant value of the capacitor to be no less than five at all times...

Somersmead, The floating feast, and Agents

Iron Fist Grizzlies not satisfied with their last CTE test has decided to repeat the experiment above and beyond the call of duty.

Iron fist grizzlies, The floating feast, and Agents

Well, reproduceability is important in science...

Iron fist grizzlies, Somersmead, The floating feast, and Agents

Reproduction of an experiment that produces a proven and predictable outcome, yet expecting that eventuality to differ is tantamount to gross mental deficiency.
Ergo, Mister Somersmead, it is time for a medication adjustment. 🔵

Iron fist grizzlies, Somersmead, National freedom, and The floating feast

So the medication isn't working, and your response is prescribing more medication. Hmm, what does that say about your mental state...

The floating feast and Agents

A Badly Conceived Designation wrote:So the medication isn't working, and your response is prescribing more medication. Hmm, what does that say about your mental state...

Well, well, well, Mister Designation. Badly Conceived as you may well have been, you have now escalated your status from 'mildly of interest' to 'warranting closer scrutiny.'
As such, you have been issued a Personnel Investigation Case Identifier tag of 10-T.
The highest priority of troublesome non-conforming citizen.
We are watching you, PIC#ID10T. 🧐👥👤

Somersmead, National freedom, and The floating feast

National freedom

"ID10T", Honestly made my day. 🤣

The floating feast and Agents

Kashyyyyyyyk said why do they refer to you as Mister Somersmead, I said I could tell you but then.................

Kashyyyyyyyk ceased to exist.

The floating feast

They do move in mysterious ways, Mister Somersmead, do they not? 👁️

Somersmead and The floating feast



Somersmead, The floating feast, and Agents

The floating feast

Raiderpuppetstan wrote:Hello

👋 What a disarming and innocently charming Nation moniker you have.
Are you here to drop off some cookies and socialize? 🤗

Somersmead, Agents, and Raiderpuppetstan

Post self-deleted by Third ottoman reich.

Iron fist grizzlies

Somersmead wrote:Iron Fist Grizzlies not satisfied with their last CTE test has decided to repeat the experiment above and beyond the call of duty.

Can confirm, results reproducible. Additional tests to transfer core consciousness to other nation Herobics was also successful. (I'm more interested in answering issues on that nation than this one.)

Interesting new delegate we have here. Robo-bear systems currently charging resource 'Influence'. Once charged, will perform the 'boot' test.

Somersmead, The floating feast, and Agents

Hello, everyone.

Somersmead, Herobics, National freedom, The floating feast, and 1 otherAgents

National freedom

Don't you go starting wars now.. Mr. WA guy.

Herobics, The floating feast, and Agents

Iron fist grizzlies

Arms and technology will save the environment. Export the revolution.

Somersmead, The floating feast, and Agents

Calm down now, Mister Grizzlies.
Be a good bear.

Somersmead, National freedom, and The floating feast

/<h1>Field Tester</h1> in the world factbook entry is driving me crazy also where is my eject button, I know I had it somewhere, perhaps I left it in another region.

The floating feast and Agents

Herobics is a nation headed by a child king, but in reality has to follow the options suggested by relatives or government ministers. Left to his own devices, the Child King couldn't resist picking the silly option.

So far the only thing that stands out is our ignorance stat, but I thought family knows best?

Somersmead, National freedom, Enchele, The floating feast, and 1 otherAgents

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