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As a train pulls into the Moroni train station, a train announcement is made.

*Now arriving at Moroni on Track 1, is The Featured Region Express to [Insert next featured region.] The train conductor JACJ, would also like to congratulate this region on being featured. Please stand back from the yellow line and please watch the gap while boarding the train.*

The train stops at the platform, and opens it's doors, waiting until the next region is featured to depart from the Moroni train station to the next station.

Region Score (What Class would I let you sit in on the train, based on my liking of the region): Premium Coach Class

Nobody out Pizzas the Hut wrote:Dominos and Papa Johns will always out pizza the hut and I will never go back on this statement, ever.


Hey guys! It's me, RHaSwLN (RHSLN/RHS)! Congratulations on being featured! Now I gotta to back to my home region before you all accused me of spying…
*sneaks away*

The Featured Region Express wrote:our railways are the worse and admit more smog then london factories

lies, all lies

Birthday cake herby

Beep beep! Congrats on being the featured region of the day! Anyone for some cake?

Congratulations on being the featured region!
Bigly! 🥳

Make NationStates Great Again! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


Co-Congrats! Y-You have be-been fe-featu-tu-tured! AAAAAH😱* dies of fear*

Congratulations on being featured! We will win Champions League >:)

*hop hop hop*

Congrats on being featured! Anyone seen a carrot?

(Comoros featured a couple weeks ago and now its capital city for the second time!)

Life's all about rainbows, glitter, being featured, and unicorns.

Who is the featured region? It is you!
Congratulations on being featured on behalf of Soviet Yoshilandia.

Congratulations on being featured region!

Surprised to see so many still here

Post self-deleted by Polevea.

