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Since everyone here enjoys playing a board game ever once in a while, I came across a trailer for a documentary on board games that y'all should check out.

Will check link soon...must...survive exams!

"World Census staff loitered innocuously in various public areas and recorded the length of time that passed before they were approached by dark-suited officials."

Adazarn is ranked first. Not even remotely surprised.

And Cylea is the least authoritarian of nations that have operating central governments, so I'm ok with that too. :-)

P.S. I like the video, Rock.

For the time being I think I now have the best motto in the region. :)

This is the best light saber dual I've seen in a long time:

I approve. Also enjoyed the top-listed comment on the video: "and so Grevious was built..."

Even though the semester is now offer, it appears that the nation of Cylea and myself are the only ones that check nationstates of a semi frequent basis. Congrats to everyone for completing another semester congrats to Kearoka for graduating.

I didn't realize the semester was "offer" Rock87. :)

If The Happyland gets any more Top _% in the World achievements, they're gonna spill over onto a second line.

Unrelated: The next IoLS get-together should be a geocaching party. I have an iPhone now. It'd be fun.

A little late for a spelling correction, since I was very oblivious to not notice the error, but none the less: over*

I think one of my favorite things about checking the Region page is Rock's ever-changing motto.

^ Lol. I think the best part was that Jedi A-Hole #2 was wearing a Brawndo t-shirt. Y'all familiar with the movie Idiocracy?

Didn't I see that movie? I enjoyed the youtube video, but that reference is totally escaping me...

I've heard of the movie, but I haven't seen it yet.


Who's getting a Wii U (Wii 2)? :P
I am more interested in the PS Vita, but I hate the name for both systems.

Somehow I failed to hear anything about the PS Vita? What is it?

(and yes, I know I could just do a google search. but where's the fun in that?)

PS Vita is the PSP 2 that's hardware is capable of running a ps3 game, but with a slightly lower graphics resolutions. The software on the Vita is running of a Android based OS infrastructure which allows for Android software to run on it besides just PS Vita only games/apps. The PS Vita is has a touch screen, two analog sticks, bumper buttons, d-pad, and a touch sensitive pad on the back of the device. Also has a camera built in on the front and back. Wifi only version will be $250, Wifi/3G version will be $300 ( no information on data plan pricing).

I found this today:

I think Cylea would find it interesting


You know, I kinda felt like the robot in defense-mode was the most impressive part of the video.

So I remember Cylea showing me a minecraft video of the Starship Enterprise, I think this one beats it:
Skip to about 29:00 and skip to 33:00 to see some really impressive creations.

No one else posts messages anymore?

Sorry comrade. I admit I was a bit sluggish with getting around to watching that video. I'm SUPER impressed now though! The Mines of Moria in particular were literally jaw-dropping!

My new theory is that Brightside just likes taking vacations to Lazarus once a month. :-)

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