The Still Socialist Republic of
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

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Poo Poo Dumpsters Overview

Doo Doo Dumpsters


Motto: "We love dumpsters! and all hail the mushroom"


Population: 143,374,849,495
-Density:about 1225 people per square mile

Capital: Doodoodumpsrtila
Largest City: Paplia

Official Language: English

National Languages: PooPoodumpsterlish, Pooish, and Dooish.

Demonym: the Poo Poo Dumpsterian

- President for life: The Supreme Leader


Establishment: from: Tribes of Doo Doo and Dumpsters.

Independence: 1776

Land Area: mile˛
10,000 km˛
Water Area: 2,000 km˛
Water %: 67 inches

Highest Point: 3,500m
Lowest Point: 50m

GDP (nominal): 100,000,000 USD
GDP (nominal) per capita: 200 to 500 Poo Poo Coins

Human Development Index (NS Version):

Currency: Poo Poo coins

Time Zone: GMT

Drives on the: Right

Calling code:(84)

Internet TLD: .PPD

Poo Poo Dumpsters

Poo Poo Dumpsters, most commonly called The United Federal Republics of Poo Poo Dumpsters, is a located in The Rejected Realms. It is bordered on the north by the United Communist Republics of Slacksovina, on the south by the United Fedrations of Poo Poo Doo Doo, at the east by the United Republics of Shetland. Poo Poo Dumpsters is also located towards the west of the Hattian Imperium. Our nation covers 11000 square kilometers and has an estimated population of one hundred forty-three billion. Doo Doo Dumpsters comprises around 80 provinces and 11 territories. our main religion is Mushroom, and our national animal is the Eagle. There are many languages spoken in our glorious nation, but the top 4 is: English, PooPooDumpstrian, Pooish, and Dooish.


The standard way to refer to a citizen of doo doo dumpsters is as a "Poo Poo Dumpsterian."


The nation of Poo Poo Dumpsters has a colorful and intriguing history that dates back centuries. Legend has it that the land was initially inhabited by tribes known as the Poo Poo and Doo Doo tribes, who frequently used the land to hunt, fish, mine, and chop down wood and other natural materials. In the early years, the Poo Poo and Doo Doo tribes often clashed over territory and resources. Their conflicts were characterized by skirmishes and border disputes, as each tribe sought to establish dominance over the land. Despite their differences, both tribes shared a resourceful nature and a deep connection to the land they inhabited. With newfound freedom, Poo Poo Dumpsters entered an industrial age, marked by rapid technological advancements and economic growth. The nation embraced industrialization and modernization, building factories, infrastructure, and expanding its trade networks. The industrial revolution brought about significant changes in the nation's economy, transforming Poo Poo Dumpsters into a hub of manufacturing and production. During this period, cities grew rapidly, and the landscape of Poo Poo Dumpsters changed. The nation's leaders, mindful of preserving their unique heritage, incorporated elements of Poo Poo and Doo Doo culture into the architecture and urban planning. The industrial age brought both prosperity and challenges, as Poo Poo Dumpsters grappled with issues such as urbanization, labor rights, and environmental impact. Poo Poo Dumpsters faced various conflicts and alliances throughout its history, engaging in diplomatic negotiations and occasional territorial disputes. The nation's leaders were known for their shrewdness and strategic thinking, often using their knowledge of their surroundings and the environment to outmaneuver their opponents. As the centuries passed, Poo Poo Dumpsters experienced periods of prosperity and stability, while also enduring challenges and setbacks. The nation's history is filled with tales of legendary leaders, innovative inventors, and skilled craftsmen who contributed to the growth and development of the nation. Today, Poo Poo Dumpsters stands as a vibrant nation with a complex history. The Poo Poo and Doo Doo tribes' legacy lives on in the nation's culture, customs, and traditions. The struggles and triumphs of the past have shaped Poo Poo Dumpsters into a resilient and industrious nation, proud of its heritage and poised for a promising future.


Marshy Wetlands: Poo Poo Dumpsters inhabit expansive marshy wetlands characterized by lush vegetation, reeds, and shallow water bodies. The wetlands provide a diverse ecosystem with abundant plant and animal life, creating a thriving habitat for the Poo Poo Dumpsters.

Enchanted Jungles: Dense and vibrant jungles filled with towering trees and exotic flora thrive in the Poo Poo Dumpster lands. The jungles are teeming with life, harboring colorful birds, playful monkeys, and other creatures. Poo Poo Dumpsters navigate through the lush foliage, exploring the mysteries of the jungle.

Mushroom Forests: Mystical mushroom forests dot the Poo Poo Dumpster landscape, with towering mushrooms of various sizes and colors. These enchanted forests create a magical atmosphere and provide shelter for unique creatures. Poo Poo Dumpsters venture into the mushroom forests, marveling at their luminescent glow and fantastical ambiance.

Majestic Mountains: The Poo Poo Dumpster lands are adorned with majestic mountains that reach toward the sky. Snow-capped peaks, rocky cliffs, and cascading waterfalls adorn these mountains. Poo Poo Dumpsters enjoy climbing the challenging slopes, taking in breathtaking views, and discovering hidden caves and grottos.

Frozen Tundras: In the colder regions of the Poo Poo Dumpster lands, vast frozen tundras stretch out, covered in a thick blanket of snow and ice. Poo Poo Dumpsters brave the icy winds and frozen terrain, adapting to the harsh conditions and encountering resilient Arctic wildlife.

Serene Plains: Expansive plains spread across the Poo Poo Dumpster lands, covered in tall grasses swaying gently in the breeze. The plains provide open spaces for Poo Poo Dumpsters to roam, graze, and engage in communal activities. The simplicity and tranquility of the plains offer a sense of peace and harmony.

Mushroom Biomes: Unique mushroom biomes are scattered throughout the Poo Poo Dumpster lands, characterized by a dense concentration of giant mushrooms in various shapes and colors. These biomes create an otherworldly environment, with Poo Poo Dumpsters exploring the peculiar landscape and encountering rare and curious species.

Poo Biome: The Poo Biome is a distinct region in the Poo Poo Dumpster lands, characterized by soft, malleable terrain made up of decomposed organic matter. Poo Poo Dumpsters navigate this specialized biome, adapted to its unique conditions and encountering specialized flora and fauna that thrive in this environment.

These diverse geographic features, including jungles, mushroom forests, mountains, tundras, plains, mushroom biomes, and the poo biome, add richness and variety to the world of Poo Poo Dumpsters, offering different habitats and settings for their adventures and explorations.

Fun fact: Our country is bigger than those tiny, weak nations that surround us. (I'm talking to you Poo Poo Doo Doo!)




The population of Poo Poo Dumpsters is around 143 Billion people.


Poo Poo Dumpsters' people normally speak English, as they are taught in schools and class rooms. However, the top two languages spoken in Poo Poo Dumpsters are PooPooDumpsterlish, Pooish, and Dooish. PooPooDumpsterish is a combination of Pooish and Dooish.

PooPooDumpsterlish: PooPooDumpsterlish is the primary language spoken in Poo Poo Dumpsters. It is the semi-official language of the nation and is widely used in government, education, and business. PooPooDumpsterish has its own unique alphabet and grammar structure that combines Pooish and Dooish together.

Pooish: Pooish is the second prominent language spoken in Poo Poo Dumpsters. Pooish has its own unique alphabet and grammar structure.

Dooish: is another prominent language spoken in Poo Poo Dumpsters. It is primarily spoken by the Doo Doo tribe and has influenced the cultural and linguistic landscape of the country. Dooish is known for its melodic tones and intricate vocabulary.


The main religion in Poo Poo Dumpsters is the mushroom. It was said that the mushroom god had brought the mushrooms onto our world, with Poo Poo Dumpsters as the first place to ever domestic mushrooms. Here are things that Poo Poo Dumpstrians do in the reglion.

Worship of the Mushroom: The Mushroom is considered a sacred and revered entity in the religion of Poo Poo Dumpsters. It symbolizes growth, connection to nature, and the cycle of life. Poo Poo Dumpsters believe that the Mushroom holds great wisdom and spiritual significance.

Spiritual Practices: Followers of the Mushroom religion engage in various spiritual practices to connect with the Mushroom and seek enlightenment. These practices may include meditation, communal rituals, and nature-based ceremonies. Through these practices, they aim to deepen their understanding of the Mushroom's teachings and foster a sense of spiritual connection.

Belief in Unity and Interconnectedness: The Mushroom religion emphasizes the belief in the interconnectedness of all beings and the natural world. Poo Poo Dumpsters see themselves as an integral part of a larger ecosystem, and they strive to live in harmony with nature. They believe that the Mushroom serves as a symbol of this interconnectedness, reminding them of their responsibility to care for the environment and each other.

Symbolism and Rituals: The Mushroom religion incorporates various symbols and rituals into its practices. Mushrooms of different colors and shapes may hold specific symbolism, representing different aspects of life, growth, or spiritual concepts. Rituals may involve offerings to the Mushroom, communal gatherings, and the consumption of certain mushrooms as a means of spiritual communion.

Celebration of Life and Renewal: The Mushroom religion places a strong emphasis on celebrating life and the cyclical nature of existence. Poo Poo Dumpsters commemorate significant life events, such as births, marriages, and transitions, with rituals and ceremonies that acknowledge the transformative power of the Mushroom and the inherent cycles of life.

Ethical Principles: The Mushroom religion promotes ethical principles that guide the behavior of its followers. These may include compassion, respect for all living beings, environmental stewardship, and the pursuit of personal growth and enlightenment. Poo Poo Dumpsters strive to embody these principles in their daily lives and interactions.

The Poo Poo Dumpstrian race is characterized by their unique physical features and cultural traits. They are a diverse group of beings with a range of appearances and abilities, but they all share certain commonalities. Physically, Poo Poo Dumpstrians have a distinctive skin tone that resembles various shades of earthy browns and greens, reminiscent of natural waste materials. Their bodies may have a gelatinous or squishy texture, giving them a unique tactile sensation. However, despite their unconventional appearance, they possess human-like qualities such as the ability to walk upright and communicate verbally.
Largest Cities



Metro area population 100 million




around 90 million people

Midsouth State



around 27 million people

Central State




Northern Regions




Midland State




Trashheap Territories








Central State




Border state 1




Border state 2


The Government of Poo Poo Dumpsters is a totalitarian regime that exercises extensive control over various aspects of society, including politics, economy, and social life. It is characterized by the concentration of power in the hands of a single ruling party or leader, often with limited checks and balances.

Leadership: The government is typically led by a strong, central figure who holds absolute authority. This leader, often referred to as the Supreme Leader or Grand Poobah, exercises control over all branches of government, making decisions without significant input or opposition.

Single-Party Rule: The ruling party, typically called the Poo Poo Party, monopolizes political power. Opposition parties are either banned or marginalized, and elections, if they exist, are often controlled or manipulated to ensure the continued dominance of the ruling party.

Censorship and Propaganda: The government tightly controls the flow of information and media outlets. Censorship is prevalent, with strict regulations and surveillance systems in place to monitor and suppress dissenting voices. Propaganda is used extensively to shape public opinion and maintain the regime's narrative.

Limited Civil Liberties: The government curtails individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech, assembly, and association. Civil society organizations, independent media, and human rights groups face severe restrictions, leading to a lack of political pluralism and public discourse.

State-Controlled Economy: The government exercises significant control over the economy through state-owned enterprises, central planning, and extensive regulations. Private enterprise and free market principles are often limited, with the state playing a dominant role in resource allocation and economic decision-making.

Security Apparatus: A powerful security apparatus, including secret police and intelligence agencies, enforces the regime's control and suppresses dissent. Surveillance systems, informants, and arbitrary arrests are used to maintain social order and quell opposition.


Poo Poo Dumpsters Army: The Poo Poo Dumpsters Army is the primary land-based force of the nation. Comprised of highly trained soldiers, it is responsible for ground operations, border security, and maintaining law and order within the country. The army is equipped with a range of modern weaponry, vehicles, and communication systems to effectively carry out its missions.

Poo Poo Dumpsters Navy: The Poo Poo Dumpsters Navy is responsible for protecting the nation's maritime interests, securing coastal waters, and ensuring the safety of sea-based trade routes. It consists of a fleet of ships, submarines, and maritime aircraft, along with highly skilled sailors and naval officers. The navy also plays a crucial role in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.

Poo Poo Dumpsters Air Force: The Poo Poo Dumpsters Air Force is tasked with aerial defense, surveillance, and supporting ground and naval operations. It operates a diverse fleet of fighter jets, transport aircraft, helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The air force conducts strategic air operations, provides air support to ground forces, and maintains control of the national airspace.

Poo Poo Dumpsters Special Forces: The Poo Poo Dumpsters Special Forces are an elite unit within the armed forces. They undergo rigorous training and are highly skilled in unconventional warfare, counterterrorism, intelligence gathering, and specialized operations. The Special Forces play a vital role in conducting covert missions, hostage rescues, and counter-insurgency operations.

Poo Poo Dumpsters Coast Guard: The Poo Poo Dumpsters Coast Guard is responsible for enforcing maritime laws, protecting the nation's coastal waters, and conducting search and rescue operations at sea. It ensures the safety of fishermen, monitors maritime borders, and combats maritime smuggling and piracy.

Economic Indicators

Rank: 10,051
Currency: Doo Doo coins

GDP (nominal):100 million
GDP (nominal) per capita: 2,000 to 5,000

The Poo Poo dumpster economy is a strong one, but it juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Administration.


Humor and Satire: Humor and satire are deeply ingrained in the culture of Poo Poo Dumpsters. The inhabitants have a keen sense of wit and enjoy playful banter, wordplay, and absurdity. Satirical comedy, comedic performances, and humorous storytelling are popular forms of entertainment, providing an outlet for the community's lightheartedness and wit.

Quirky Traditions: Poo Poo Dumpsters boasts a range of eccentric and unconventional traditions. These could include offbeat festivals, peculiar celebrations, and whimsical rituals that are designed to bring joy and entertainment. The traditions often feature colorful costumes, parades, and interactive activities that encourage participation and create a sense of community.

Unique Beliefs: Poo Poo Dumpsters may have a distinct and lighthearted religious belief system centered around the Mushroom. Followers of this religion, known as Mycologists or Fungi Faithful, venerate the Mushroom as a sacred entity symbolizing growth, interconnectedness, and the cycle of life. They believe in the transformative and nourishing power of fungi and embrace the philosophy of living in harmony with nature.

Mushroom Rituals and Ceremonies: The followers of the Mushroom religion in Poo Poo Dumpsters engage in unique rituals and ceremonies. These may include mushroom-themed processions, communal mushroom feasts, and meditative practices focused on connecting with the natural world. Mushroom-related symbols and imagery, such as mushroom-shaped altars or sacred mushroom art, are integral parts of their religious practices.


Grandiose Architecture: The infrastructure of Poo Poo Dumpsters could feature imposing and monumental architecture reminiscent of Soviet-style buildings. Large government structures, statues, and public squares might showcase a mix of Soviet and Chinese architectural influences, blending the grandeur of Soviet monometalism with Chinese traditional motifs.

Mass Transit Systems: Drawing inspiration from the efficient metro systems of the Soviet Union and China, Poo Poo Dumpsters might boast extensive and well-connected mass transit networks. Subway systems with grand stations and sprawling networks could transport people across cities, combining the efficiency of Soviet metro systems with the vastness of Chinese urban transportation.

Industrial Zones: Taking cues from the rapid industrialization of both the Soviet Union and China, Poo Poo Dumpsters may have sprawling industrial zones and manufacturing centers. These areas would be characterized by factories, warehouses, and production facilities, symbolizing the country's drive towards self-sufficiency and economic growth.

Utilitarian Housing Blocks: The residential landscape in Poo Poo Dumpsters might feature high-rise housing blocks reminiscent of Soviet-era apartment complexes. These structures would provide standardized, functional living spaces for citizens, resembling the uniformity and efficiency of Soviet housing projects.

Highways and Railways: Poo Poo Dumpsters could have an extensive network of highways and railways, combining the engineering prowess of both the Soviet Union and China. Long, straight highways and high-speed railways might connect major cities and regions, facilitating transportation and trade.

Technological Infrastructures: Poo Poo Dumpsters may boast advanced technological infrastructures, inspired by the scientific and technological advancements of the Soviet Union and China. This could include telecommunications networks, research institutions, and innovation hubs, fostering technological development and progress.


Coal Power: Poo Poo Dumpsters heavily relies on coal for electricity generation. Coal-fired power plants dominate the energy infrastructure, with their towering smokestacks billowing dark emissions into the air. The country's abundant coal reserves are exploited to meet the energy demands, despite the environmental concerns associated with coal combustion.

Fossil Fuel Dependency: In addition to coal, Poo Poo Dumpsters depends on other fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas, for various energy needs. These fuels are utilized in transportation, industrial processes, and heating systems, contributing to the country's overall fossil fuel dependency.

Wood as a Traditional Energy Source: Wood serves as a traditional and widely used source of energy in Poo Poo Dumpsters. It is utilized for cooking, heating, and other domestic purposes, particularly in rural areas where modern energy sources may be limited or inaccessible. As a result, deforestation and unsustainable logging practices may pose environmental challenges.

Limited Renewable Energy: Despite the abundant potential for renewable energy sources, Poo Poo Dumpsters has been slow in adopting and developing renewable energy infrastructure. The focus on traditional and fossil fuel-based energy sources restricts the country's progress in harnessing clean and sustainable alternatives such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power.


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