The United Peoples Democratic RE of
Corporate Police State

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Hoszt Enstin

Hoszt Enstin

Photo of Hoszt Enstin on the day he was sworn in


In office:
elected 1984

Preceded by:Kern Mec

Personal Details


1952 (age 75)
Hinla, New Makasta



Political Party:

Free Market Communist Coalition


Lori Enstin (Deceased F)


Caroline Enstin (22 F)
Lilith Enstin (20 F)
Paraclues Enstin (27 M)


Deekan Tech Elite School
- Degree in Military Strategy




"The People of this land are greatest to have ever work here. I think we need to secure the rights of the workers and peoples of this great nation"
- Hoszt Enstin, Interview by MNN

Hoszt Enstin is the president of New Makasta. He was born in 1952 and became president in 1984.

Early Life

Hoszt Enstin was born July 6th 1952 to parents Joshua Enstin and Victro Enstin. As a young boy he displayed a love for chess and strategy games. While in these early years the family had another child Clara enstin who Hoszt became very protective of up untill her death in 2023. Even wining the 1965 Deeka Chess Stranded. During these years he formed a bond with his dad over chess. One day during one if there games his dad mentioned his life as a soldier to the young Hoszt. The young boy heard of the great feats his father had done when he was in the army but when he returned he was shunned from society due to his role in combat. He talked about how poorly the government had helped him reintegrate into society. This talked changed the young boy it gave him his mission. Over the next few years he continued to grow and develop a understanding on how veterans where treated in New Makasta. Even writing an unpublished book on the topic. At age 19 he entered the Deeka Elte Tech School earning a degree Military Strategy. At age 26 he entered the military reps for 6 years being his first time ever in politics and in the Capital Building.

Rise in Politics

After earing his 4 year degree in Military strategy he went to serve in the armed forces entering as a captain. Over the next years he would rise to the rank of general and run for the military reps and win a seat. Over his six year term he got mager reform done to the veteran system and reforming the army at the end of his 6 year term in 1984 he ran for president against Jacklin Sten of the Federalist Party and won by a very close call of 52 to 48 percent of all votes cast. Many to this day wonder how history would have changed if 3 percent had changed there vote to Jacklin.


After being elected president by the people of Makasta he set froth on making major reforms and changes to the country altering it from a unstable democracy to a bold strong dictatorship. Over his 34 years of president he has faced many crisis including but not limited to.
1. Seto and his many attempts to take down his government
2. escalation of border tension with The Legion of Mankind
3. The Underground army trying to fight him
4. Jack on his first innovation
He has received much criticism form the greater international community due to his doctoral power. As well he made it so the election of the presscency is more of a formality than a real election. (As seen in 1999 when the results where released before the election). Furthermore he made many acts that clearly violate GL legislation including human experimentation with out consent. He also banned breathing then enforce it only on his enemies this allows him to maintain his power. However recently going into 2026 with what was believed to be the final defat of the UA the UA managed o muster up international support enough to take out the mainland territories of New Makasta
  • Projekts
    Projekts that violate international law

  • Capital punishment
    The death penalty is applied to nearly all crimes

  • Strict government control of your life

For & Against

  • For:Free market Communism, autarky, military expansion, Government Power, Genetics

  • Against:Marxist leninism, liberalism, demilitarization, Fascism

Personal Information

He had a sister who died and she was one of the few people who knew him personally. Other than ruling his nation he spends most of his time playing old retro games. As well he enjoys watching old tapes of torture occurring. This gives him great pleasure in seeing his enemies getting destroyed.Both mentally and physically. He has never married nor has he formed any significant attachments with anybody outside of his family. He rarely leaves his bunker and when he does its fro a very specific reason that being he is afrid of death.

Personal Trivia

  • Served in the Military Reps for 6 years

  • thinks that all boats should be able to go on land

  • Lives in a Bunker and has not seen the sun in 30 years

  • By living in the bunker he has made an imminence amount doubles that are like star fish where you cut off a limb a new one grows from it

  • Also loves Nintendo


“The government's job should uhh um be to protect the rights of the workers and umm uh people of its nation. The government should be uhh the one who gives out the uhh liberties to the people of the um government.”

“The people of the government shall give up uhh all of the rights up to the government who will give them back to the people"

“The enemies of the foreign government should be destroyed by uh the means of the government.”

“Makastans, my friends
today is a cross roads me must make a disson!
to live as free men or live under oppression forevermore!
take up arms and fight for freedom
honest men never die in spirit!
There are those who want to hold us down
prevent us from growing
we must send a message to them
honest men never die in spirit!
They seek to take our rights
the seek to take our very essence
we must remind them
honest men never die in spirit!
while they possien this land
while they devour or water
while they tear our dignity
we must fight
to remind them honest men never die in spirit!
while they make every effort to make you look like the weak one
they are just showing there failure to hold onto power
they fail to contain our moment
they send spies to slaughter our friends
your family!
your very honer!
we send the message to these people who perpetuate these horrors!
honest men never die in spirit!”

-1983 speech given on the campign trail

Template by Kirislavia, available here.
