
by Lallanca. . 7 reads.

Lancotec law and punishments

Lallanca doesn’t really have a law code because the Lancotecs believe that murder and theft and stuff like that is stuff people should know is wrong if someone were to kill or steal their punishment would be pretty soft at first. For example the government would try to reform the criminal by teaching him to be a good citizen if this failed they would try again except this time around the criminal would be beaten if he was caught breaking the law if this failed he would be banished without clothes weapons or supplies of any kind the reason for this is that the Lancotecs believe that under any circumstance should anyone kill anyone especially if that person is another Lancotec. Despite earlier statements the Lancotecs do have some law codes and I’ll list them in order from least respected to mostly respected. First up is the Social Laws basically just manners good manners is a big deal in Lancotec society you could become respected and have high positions by just having good manners and bad manners were heavily frowned upon so much so they have laws regarding it. If you slip up once or twice or occasionally be rude you’ll be shunned for a awhile if you’re a repeated offender you’ll be arrested and be forced into manners school other than that there was no punishment except a fine if you did something deemed really rude another part of social laws was hospitality if you were a bad host you could be beaten depending on how bad of a host you were. Then there’s religious laws as we all know Lallanca takes religion incredibly seriously one ounce of anything heretical and you get severely beaten or banished however religious laws are relaxing and you’re allowed to follow any religion you like in private however if you differ from the faith in public then it’s a good flaying for you. Besides heresy there’s failure in complying with religious rituals foreign heretics are exempt from these nowadays but if Native Born Lancotec citizens no matter what faith you have to comply with these rituals and laws such as keeping the environment clean the Lancotecs heavily revere nature because Kayunra gave his life to protect it so if you littered even once you were put into slavery and forced to clean the streets until the government decided you’ve had enough. Failing to attend religious festivals got you shunned by everyone. And now I think you get the just of it

