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The new iwaso wrote:Darn, but my people will spread the torch. I dare you, coup me! I will have 450k troops waiting in Iwasograd!

I can Just Transfer some of my defense forces... should look at that as well

The new iwaso

Levantin wrote:. . .

I have no words for this

Join communism, defeat Of Centralist Brexit

Sicilianzo wrote:The one controlled by the democratic forces, so across both.

Karatol-Advenra wrote:Still, thats alot of ships to keep running, Most navies in the world dont have that much.

There are countries in the world that have much bigger navies, but during a civil war with multiple factions (along the coast nonetheless) I don't see there being a faction with one fleet with over eighty warships. I imagine them being more spread out across Democratic territory then just in one fleet.

Of Centralist Brexit wrote:I can Just Transfer some of my defense forces... should look at that as well

Ter Ho Lan waits in office for you.

Me: Lol Yea How would Sic Be able to Keep Up Such A Massive Fleet Like that!

Karatol-Advenra and Sicilianzo

Ancobristan wrote:There are countries in the world that have much bigger navies, but during a civil war with multiple factions, I don't see there being a faction with one fleet with over eighty warships. I imagine them being more spread out across Democratic territory then just in one fleet.

I never said they were all 1 fleet, they secured the navy’s loyalty and those ships are the democratic ship count overall spread across their territory

The new iwaso

Of Centralist Brexit wrote:Me: Lol Yea How would Sic Be able to Keep Up Such A Massive Fleet Like that!

I have no words for your pride.

Wait why are there ships

Wait what are those popping sounds

Wait why is there the sounds of feet

wait why is there kno-

The new iwaso wrote:I have no words for your pride.

I have no words for your communism

Sicilianzo wrote:The British navy has 79 ships and we have nearly 3.5 times their population

Ancobristan wrote:There are countries in the world that have much bigger navies, but during a civil war with multiple factions (along the coast nonetheless) I don't see there being a faction with one fleet with over eighty warships. I imagine them being more spread out across Democratic territory then just in one fleet.

I agree with Ancobristan's point, and i doubt the Democratic Rebels can maintain 80 Ships.

Of Centralist Brexit wrote:Me: Lol Yea How would Sic Be able to Keep Up Such A Massive Fleet Like that!

B*tch i have 16 Ships.

The new iwaso wrote:I have no words for your pride.

well Half of them are meant to Carry VTOL fighters, and the Other 3 CAN carry VTOL fighters but are supposed to be used as helicopter Carriers...
once my 7th Carrier is done Im most likely going to send my Helicopter Carriers to Brazil

Karatol-Advenra wrote:B*tch i have 16 Ships.

are they all carriers?

Of Centralist Brexit wrote:well Half of them are meant to Carry VTOL fighters, and the Other 3 CAN carry VTOL fighters but are supposed to be used as helicopter Carriers...
once my 7th Carrier is done Im most likely going to send my Helicopter Carriers to Brazilare they all carriers?

None of them are.

Of Centralist Brexit and Sicilianzo

Karatol-Advenra wrote:I agree with Ancobristan's point, and i doubt the Democratic Rebels can maintain 80 Ships.

The majority of the democratic rebels military funding is in the navy

Sicilianzo wrote:The majority of the democratic rebels military funding is in the navy

But where are they getting that much money?


Karatol-Advenra wrote:None of them are.

Wait I should know this as I looked at your fleet 10 minutes ago...
But Yea Once my 7th Carrier is done, Ta Ta to the Llainfair Class Helicopter Carriers. Cold war era Carriers that were locked away before being put back into service after smacking some CIWS's on it.

Karatol-Advenra and Sicilianzo

Of Centralist Brexit wrote:oof...
Wait I should know this as I looked at your fleet 10 minutes ago...
But Yea Once my 7th Carrier is done, Ta Ta to the Llainfair Class Helicopter Carriers. Cold war era Carriers that were locked away before being put back into service after smacking some CIWS's on it.

Screw my Navy, imma Spam infantry.

Karatol-Advenra wrote:But where are they getting that much money?

Well they captured the provincial treasuries of 3 of the 10 provinces, and the civil war hasn’t lasted that long. Though I will admit if the civil war drags out, that will become a problem.

Sicilianzo wrote:I never said they were all 1 fleet, they secured the navy’s loyalty and those ships are the democratic ship count overall spread across their territory

I'll give you the benefit of a doubt with that one, just so long as the Democratic faction is provenly more stable to maintain all these ships.

Karatol-Advenra wrote:I agree with Ancobristan's point, and i doubt the Democratic Rebels can maintain 80 Ships.

I mean, I have no issue with them having eighty warships in their territory, just so long as they're spread out and the Democratic faction has the proven influence and stability to maintain them (which is possible since they are receiving aid from San Sierra and Cardonia.)

Karatol-Advenra wrote:Screw my Navy, imma Spam infantry.

You Know I might hand my Carriers to a Country with a terrible military, you know as a nice and Charitable cause...
YO ArenaC!

Ancobristan wrote:I'll give you the benefit of a doubt with that one, just so long as the Democratic faction is provenly more stable to maintain all these ships.I mean, I have no issue with them having eighty warships in their territory, just so long as the Democratic faction has the proven influence and stability to maintain them (which is possible since they are receiving aid from San Sierra and Cardonia.)

They pay for it by

Sicilianzo wrote:Well they captured the provincial treasuries of 3 of the 10 provinces, and the civil war hasn’t lasted that long. Though I will admit if the civil war drags out, that will become a problem.

Sicilianzo wrote:Well they captured the provincial treasuries of 3 of the 10 provinces, and the civil war hasn’t lasted that long. Though I will admit if the civil war drags out, that will become a problem.

Ancobristan wrote:I'll give you the benefit of a doubt with that one, just so long as the Democratic faction is provenly more stable to maintain all these ships.I mean, I have no issue with them having eighty warships in their territory, just so long as they're spread out and the Democratic faction has the proven influence and stability to maintain them (which is possible since they are receiving aid from San Sierra and Cardonia.)

Well while you people Flex with your Navies, im gonna stay with my 16 Ships and no Carriers here which i call a Navy.

The Angel of Charity and Sicilianzo

Of Centralist Brexit wrote:well Half of them are meant to Carry VTOL fighters, and the Other 3 CAN carry VTOL fighters but are supposed to be used as helicopter Carriers...
once my 7th Carrier is done Im most likely going to send my Helicopter Carriers to Brazilare they all carriers?

Breaking news!

Ger Gaq Banmilop has ousted Ler Ho Lan out of office, and reinstated the Union of The New Iwaso. It is expected under Iwason tradition, that he will be humiliated and tortured before a group in the thousands sees him get executed in a brutal way. If he is exiled, he can never return to Iwaso which includes his family.


Sicilianzo wrote:They pay for it by

Well however it's gonna turn out, we can still continue the confrontation, yes? I think I could get a response out before I go to bed, depending on how long it takes for you to make a response.


Ancobristan wrote:Well however it's gonna turn out, we can still continue the confrontation, yes? I think I could get a response out before I go to bed, depending on how long it takes for you to make a response.

Oh yeah sorry, just a moment

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