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Disaster at Sea
14 Wintersend, 1831
The Transadiantic Trade

Migrants from Avanor and Upper Laranian goods make for a profitable venture to invest into. With people seeking to flee the devastation of war and materials being sold in bulk to Avanoran companies and governments, the post-war policy of Arnian Adiantic was to capitalize on that trade. Hence, its most prestigious vessel, the SS Bordeau, would be sent as an ambassador of Arnian hospitality and standards of living.

Full of dreams, these migrants were left off at Fort Émeraude where they would either stay in Arnyvonna or move further into Upper Larania for a better life in the New World. Ships would then load on goods to be sent towards the war-torn Avanor and be sold at high prices.

Confidence in the ship was at an all-time high. It was deemed ‘practically unsinkable’ by the Arnian press, given its advanced watertight bulkheads and size. In the event that the ship was badly damaged, it was expected that sea-bound traffic would aid in transferring passengers and light cargo to safety. This design, widely known as ‘the lifeboat liner’, had been proven to work in the past, by the accidental attacking of another Arnian Adiantic liner, the Dupas. She had sank after having her passengers sent off to other close by ships thanks to the wireless telegraph system, who alerted them of the emergency.

But that day, everything was about to change.

The Loss of the SS Bordeau

Only stories remain of the ship, now resting at the bottom of the Summer Sea. On the morning of the 14th, the SS Freyermark responded to a distress call from the Bordeau. The ship had hit a sea mine. Deducing from the accounts and testimonies of passengers, the Bordeau took about two and a half hours to sink.

In the incident, upwards to 1700 lives were lost. It has been counted that 619 survived. The Freyermark was the only ship to have responded to the Bordeau's call, she was the only ship to have made it on the scene.

Arnian Adiantic and the Government

It was discovered that the reason so many died despite the ship taking quite a long time to sink was that there weren't enough lifeboats. Legislation stipulated that the number of lifeboats would be a quota met by size. Ships over 10,000 tonnes were required to carry 16 lifeboats. The Bordeau, with its 20 lifeboats, exceeded the requirement. However, with a maximum occupancy of about 1000 people, these lifeboats were not numerous enough to carry the ship's entire population.

Thanks to the Treaty of Safety Of Life At Sea, or SOLAS, created after the incident, maritime companies are now required to have enough lifeboats to carry 125% of the ship's entire population. Additionally, wireless operators will be required to remain on station 24 hours.

new flag day lol

The Revolutionary Administrative Reform Act
18th of Highsummer, 1831
For as long as could be remembered, Acaris had been divided between the Two Provinces: Teryminov on the coastline, and Santralyz in the interior. No more. In a meeting of the State Executive Council on the 8th of Wintersend, it was decided that in order to better allow for local autonomy and to enable more efficient governance, the Two Provinces would be divided. The exact division was a matter of some contention, on several levels. At the very top, was the question of exactly what form these new internal divisions would take, how much autonomy they would have, and how they would interact with the central government. Below that were the much more mundane issues, such as what the borders of these divisions would be, what their names would be, who would govern them. And so, a series of censuses and local votes were conducted over several months, while the central government formed a Revolutionary Administrative Reform Committee to decide upon the more consequential issues. Eventually, it was decided that there would be twelve internal divisions, which are to be known as Council Republics. Each Council Republic would be subdivided into four States, which would then be further subdivided into Council Regions. The Council Republics would maintain large autonomy over local affairs, while remaining subservient to the central government and being subject to oversight by the State Executive Council and the Council of People’s Commissars, and would be governed by locally elected councils. States would be fully subject to their Council Republic, and would be governed by Council appointees. Council Regions would be limited entirely to small-scale issues, such as minor legal disputes and infrastructure maintenance, and would be governed by elected Regional Councils, who would give weekly reports to their State Governor, who would in turn report to the Council of their Republic.

Joining the UoN
14 Wintersend 1832

Upon hearing of the establishment of the UoN, the Krondish Riksdag immediately passed a resolution officially nullifying all remaining vestiges of Neutrality. As part of this Bill, Krondalsmark also officially asks to join the UoN as the first non-founder nation to join.

Krondalsmark enters with the hope of supporting resolutions that foster trade, promote sensible democracy and multiparty states, human rights, and forming so called 'international laws'.

Competition for Fastest Ship - Blue Pennant
2 Summersend 1832

With the recent introduction of the invention of planes, many began to theorize of a world where people would be flown on aeronautical liners instead of ocean liners. Thus, in order to increase interest in Transadiantic travel, the King has announced the Competition of **The Blue Pennant** and commissioned a grand trophy.

The four-foot-tall, nearly 100-pound Blue Pennant Trophy is made of solid silver and heavy gilt fashioned with a globe resting on two winged figures of Victory standing on a base of carved green onyx, with an enamelled blue ribbon encircling the middle, and decorated with models of galleons, modern ocean liners and statues of the god and goddess of the sea.

The trophy was first awarded to the RKS Freyermark for its top average speed of 23.5 knots on the Helsingfors to Fort Émeraude. Any ship that can beat this record will become the new trophy holder.

The Other Half Finally Heard
The Feminine Quota

Ever since the birth of the Republic, women have attempted to take a more important role in national affairs. Before, they were merely considered not much more than the caretaker of the home, able to inherit assets if it came down to it.

However in recent years, peaceful protests and boycotts from groups advocating for equality between sexes have made themselves more and more common. Leaders of the Punican and Socialist parties, Francis de La Trémoille and Jacques Lacan respectively, have pushed for a constitutional amendment that, if passed, would give women the right to vote.

(Not) Hysteric Women

Under the provisions given by the House of Representatives and in spite of protests from the Conservative Party, the amendment passed and the Supreme Court reluctantly approved the change. Groups across Arnyvonna celebrated the spread of democracy to a previously unheard half of the population. However, many have spun the narrative into a spin to make the Punicans and Socialist parties more popular for the upcoming election.

Despite the rumours, Arnian provinces and counties are now required to allow women to vote in elections on all echelons of society, from municipal to national elections.

Kronshtadt and Hsui

Protests and Blood
8th of Embertide, 1832
The Revolutionary Vanguard Act was not an uncontroversial measure with the Acarisian people. The transition into a single-party state was a bumpy one, and that resulted in a number of protests across the country. Beginning on the 1st of Embertide, Chairman Keitann had been traveling around Acaris, visiting each town and city with sizable protests to personally address the crowds. In Teryminov, Zisik, Nozhdurma City, and Kralxisyi, this tactic proved successful, with the protests dissipating and order being restored without the use of force or the spilling of blood. The last city on the list was Ulzrykh-Kez, the capital of the Council Republic of Ulzrykh. The protests there had taken on an elevated intensity compared to the others, with reports of counter-revolutionary sentiment becoming more and more common. Chairman Keitann had been repeatedly advised against visiting Ulzrykh by Gen. Zlatyn and by People’s Commissar for the Interior Hennen Zhishal, but he insisted, arriving in the city by the 8th. Initially, his speech to the assembled protesters went well, with the crowd seemingly receptive to the words of the charismatic young revolutionary. Suddenly, a pair of men in long brown coats burst from the throng, both holding pistols. Eight gunshots ring out, the crowd screams, and Chairman Keitann staggers for a moment, before collapsing to the ground, a crimson pool quickly forming beneath him.
The fallen Chairman was rushed to the nearest hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival. He had been shot four times, with one of the bullets striking him in the heart. Iyozhar Keitann was 29 years old, and leaves behind a wife and a six-month old son, Gryanzi Keitann. The shooters were quickly apprehended by the Chairman’s bodyguards, and placed into custody awaiting trial. With the seat of Chairman now empty, the Council of People’s Commissars found itself dealing with a crisis of leadership. The decision made was to create a temporary triumvirate to handle the investigation of the murder and to fulfill the duties of Chairman until an emergency All-Acarisian Congress of Councils can be convoked. The members of this Emergency Triumvirate are: General Miomm Zlatyn, People’s Commissar for the National Economy Krazymir Molentiç, and People’s Commissar for the Interior Hennen Zhishal.

Senate Passes Regrowth Statute
8 Highwinter 1832

The Senate of Aidia was abuzz with activity. Over the past several months, Senators had tried, and failed, to pass emergency legislation regarding the continuing food crisis that has become known as the "Bread Scares". While the broad-right coalition managed to repeal a lot of the socialist-leaning laws enacted by the Aidian Provisional Government, the laws they sought to replace them with often ran into the problem of coalition infighting. This bill was too radical for the Centrists. That bill was too socialist for the Aidian Democrats. The right coalition fought tooth and nail while the people in the nation began suffering from the lack of anything replacing what little held them in place.

Finally, the leaders of the parties of the coalition locked themselves in one of the rooms in the Senatorial Forum and agreed they would not leave until they hacked out a proposal they could all accept. It was agreed that Aidia needed to return to its roots. No, not its cultural roots. It's literal roots.

Agriculture makes food. Food feeds people. Many laws from the provisional government simply involved the government seizing land and making state-run farms on it. While this did work somewhat to help curb the food shortage, it was one of the huge issues leading to the right's victory in the special election. Now, with the coalition in power, many of these lands were returned to their owners, but in a very haphazard manner that caused issues, especially since the lands were returned with little subsidies to help keep their possessions afloat. The bill these senators hashed out was to directly deal with this glaring issue.

The Regrowth Statute, one of the Senate's first bills after its reformation, ended up doing much more than give subsidies to farmers (which was its first part). It dealt with agricultural regulation, removing a lot of the regulations Aidian farmers had to comply with in order to sell their products. Quality standards were all but thrown out the window, and labor hour laws were reworked for the entire nation to accommodate the need for agricultural workers, making it to where people could work more without that nasty overtime pay. To encourage more food supply coming in, tariffs on incoming food products were all but struck completely. Finally, and most interesting, was the establishment of a government fund for food banks. The bill dictated that the government would dedicate a fund in its budgets each year. This fund would go towards subsidizing private charities that ran food banks, encouraging food storage for the nation.

Despite the leaders of the parties being for it, the senators of the parties would be another story. The short version: it passed. The long version: well... yeah it passed, but just barely.

In the end, the Regrowth Statute, a law designed to be a series of emergency measures for the necessary decrease of food prices, only passed 193/357. Only a mere 54.1% of the senate approved. Even worse, despite the coalition having a majority, their divided nature meant that they wouldn't have passed it... if it weren't for SAA moderates. At last minute, a number of SAA moderates voted aye for the proposal, arguing it was something that could help the people still suffering from the Bread Scares. This came as very embarrassing blow to the right-wing coalition, which was formed on the basis of keeping the SCA and the SAA out of the negotiating table.

Well, with the Regrowth Statute, it seemed they were still players in the game, and Aidian voters knew it too.

After making it through the Senate by the skin of its teeth, the new law passed through the Consulship. Much to the relief of citizens across the nation, none of the three consuls initiated a veto, and all three signed the law into effect. At long last, after a series of stopgap measures during the Provisional Government's term, the people of Aidia finally had something to help with the inflated price of food. With luck, perhaps even meat would return soon. Maybe even "luxury" food items, not just things made to maximize nutrition for the sake of saving resources, would return.

But that's something for another time.

The Emergency Convocation
28th of Embertide, 1832 to 10th of Emberrule 1832
With the initial crisis under control, and the culprits behind the murder of Chairman Keitann uncovered, the Emergency Triumvirate agreed that the time had come to convoke the Emergency Congress of Councils. The matter at hand was that of the national leadership. The Internationalist faction argued against installing another Chairmen, instead favoring government by a permanent Congress of Councils. This motion was vehemently opposed by the Hardliners, who declared it to be borderline counter-revolutionary, putting forward the leader of the Hardliners, Miomm Zlatyn for the seat of Chairman. The Moderates, finding themselves leaderless and hemorrhaging both support and membership, found themselves unable to influence the Congress at all.

For several days, the Hardliners and the Internationalists tore at each other, the debate growing steadily more heated as time went on. So focused were they on each other, that they failed to take notice of a new faction forming around them, made up of dissident members of the Hardliners and Internationalists, as well as former members of the Moderates. This new faction, the Radicals, is led by the young firebrand Leizakh Mstizinzar. Their position is very similar to that of the Hardliners, but they have dropped the intense isolationism, replacing it with a powerful focus on revolutionary fervor and direct action against counter-revolutionaries and class enemies, as well as advocating for further expropriations of the former nobility, who have largely been allowed to keep their wealth.
Buoyed by the magnetic charisma of their leader, the Radicals were able to swiftly overwhelm the exhausted Hardliners and Internationalists, achieving a final majority by the 10th of Emberrule. Later that day, Leizakh Mstizinzar was sworn in as Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars and of the All-Acarisian State Executive Council and of the Communist-Syndicalist Party of Acaris. His first act as Chairman was to rename Acar Centralia to Keitannzrydurm, or Keitann City, in honor of the slain first revolutionary leader of Acaris.

1832 Election - Almost 6 Million Voters
32 Emberrule, 1832
A Changing Republic

Arnyvonna has gone through a metamorphosis within the last 30 years. Some have taken the time to look back upon the changes the nation has gone through. A growing economy, crimes having disproportionate punishments, exclusion and independence from the empire and finally, women having the right to voice their concerns on a national level.

The ones to welcome change with open arms are none other than the Punicans. Often having been sidelined in the national debate, they now enjoy unparalleled attention as a large portion of the women who were given he right to vote have cast their ballot in the Punicans’ favour.

The Punicans promise sweeping reforms, in large part thanks to the suggestions of the Socialists, in healthcare, education and labour protections.

Election results

Punican Party - Francis de La Trémoille: 51.87%, 208 seats
Carnotite Party - Hugo de Baronnes: 41.89%, 168 seats
Socialist Party - Jacques Lacan: 3.74%, 15 seats
Republican Party - Auguste Hauchard: 2.24%, 9 seats
Independents: 1.24%, 5 seats

President — Francis de La Trémoille

The Hammer Falls (To Say Nothing of the Sickle)
14th of Embersend, 1832
The People's Revolutionary Offensive, as the military response to the assassination of Chairman Keitann and the discovery of the Alliance to Save Acaris has been termed, has been a massive success. Across the Acarisian south, thousands of counter-revolutionaries have been apprehended, including several high-up members of the Alliance to Save Acaris. The interrogation of one of these captured leaders brought the Red Army to a small hut in the jungles around Ulzrykh City, where they found the actual leadership of the group, Demtryk Nalos, the Former Grand Chamberlain of the Camarilla, and Smryzh Mstillia, a completist demagogue and convicted felon, hiding out with a small group of their followers. They refused to surrender, and the ensuing firefight left everyone within the hut dead.

Chancellor Ariki Te Rangi's Inaugural Address
Wintertide, 1833

Under the shining sun in the town square of Te Pae Nui – the former Port Thomas – Chief Elder Ariki Te Rangi holds his first national speech since the independence of Tātaiwhetu:

Under the watchful gaze of the ancestors and the open sky, I stand before you as Chancellor Ariki Te Rangi, humbled and honored to address our nation on this historic day.

Today, we stand not only as an independent nation but also as a beacon of democracy in the South Seas. As your former Chief Elder, I am deeply moved to serve as your Chancellor, the head of state of our newly liberated nation. With great pride, I announce that Tātaiwhetu will soon hold its first democratic election for a national parliament. This marks a significant milestone in our journey toward self-governance and reflects our commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, freedom, and equality. In the coming months, citizens of Tātaiwhetu will have the opportunity to participate in this historic election, where they will have the power to shape the future of our nation through their votes. I urge each and every one of you to exercise your democratic right and make your voices heard.

As we transition into this new era of governance, let us remember the values that define us – unity, resilience, and a deep respect for our land and traditions. Together, let us build a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, where justice is upheld, and where the rights and freedoms of all are protected. With courage and determination, let us embrace this moment of democratic renewal and work together to build a brighter, more inclusive future for all our people.

Tātaiwhetu Unveils New National Flag and Capital Name
Wintertide, 1833

In a momentous ceremony held in the heart Tātaiwhetu's capital city, the nation unveiled its new national flag and officially reverted to its native name. The new flag, adorned with seven white stars on a striking black background, symbolizes the unity of Tātaiwhetu's seven tribes. Each star represents one of the tribes, reflecting their collective strength and shared destiny. The black background pays homage to the concept of the Potential Being, a central tenet of Ma'oi cosmology symbolizing the vast potential and unity of all creation.

In addition to the flag unveiling, the capital city formerly known as Port Thomas has been officially renamed Te Pae Nui, reclaiming its native name and reaffirming Tātaiwhetu's cultural heritage. The renaming ceremony, attended by tribal leaders, transitional government officials, and citizens alike, marked a significant step towards decolonization and cultural revitalization. "Te Pae Nui embodies the spirit of inclusivity, dialogue, and unity that defines our capital and our nation," explained Chancellor Ariki Te Rangi.

((OOC: Forgot to post these on the RMB))

**Sebastian Rovero's Leadership: Balancing Personal Beliefs with National Commitments**

Sebastian Rovero, steering the ship through this epochal transition, remains enigmatic amidst the whispers surrounding his own beliefs. While unverified reports circulate about a potential atheistic worldview, the administration underscores that Rovero's personal convictions will not sway the nation from its commitment to building a tolerant and open society. His leadership, seen as a guiding force in this transformative journey, emphasizes the coexistence of diverse beliefs within the framework of a secular state.

**Safety Paramount: Macelentia Ensures Harmonious Coexistence of Faith and Society**

At the core of Macelentia's newfound secular ethos lies the assurance that citizens of all faiths are welcome, fostering an environment where religious observance coexists harmoniously with societal well-being. The government's emphasis on safety measures underscores its dedication to maintaining a delicate balance, ensuring the peaceful coexistence of varied religious practices.

**International Implications: Macelentia Signals a New Era of Equality and Diversity**

As Macelentia charts this new course, its declaration resonates on the international stage. The nation sends a resounding message to the global community, highlighting its commitment to upholding principles of equality, respect, and diversity. Positioned at the crossroads of change, Macelentia envisions a secular state that not only embraces pluralism but also safeguards the safety and rights of its citizens, transcending religious affiliations.

Sorry for not posting these on the RMB

*Macelentia 1833*

In the midst of the Macelentian office's riveting announcement heralding the transformation of the nation into a bastion of secularism, a fervent dialogue ensues. The air is thick with uncertainty surrounding talks of the leader's atheistic inclinations, even as the pledge to uphold religious freedom for all citizens is extended. While this declaration resonates positively with a significant portion of the populace, a distinct faction emerges, tightening its grip on various religious domains and expressing profound dissatisfaction. This dissenting group takes center stage, accusing the leader and the entire government of religious bias, labeling them "religionphobes." The shadowy presence of a clandestine organization, ominously dubbed "the extremists," looms large on the national stage, heightening concerns and casting an enigmatic pall over the socio-political landscape.

Havatapu and Tataiwhetu Confederate!
Wintersend, 1833

After successful talks, the nations of Havatapu and Tataiwhetu have decided to become the two constituent states of a new nation named the Confederate Republics of the Anatollies, or the Anatollies Confederacy.

In what has been called a momentous step forward for the people of both states, the formation of the Anatollies Confederacy makes it the most populated nation in the subregion of Asania known as the Anatollies, composed of mostly impoverished island nations. Havatapu and Tataiwhetu both left the Aidian Union and Gelenian Commonwealth respectively, as a prelude to the unification.

There will be a brief period of transition as both constituent states take time to adjust to the new federal government, which will have its provisional capital in Lapahana, formerly the city of Algogille in Havatapu. While no definite governmental decisions have been made by the new Confederacy government, the leaders of both Havatapu and Tataiwhetu have expressed their interest in entering the Union of Nations and the Greater Oriental Co-Prosperity Organization.

Hey y’all

The Fiaschi Statute: is this rebuilding?
31 Wintersend, 1833

The Senate of Aidia has been on the move again, and this year, they proposed their biggest move to improve the economy to date: the Fiaschi Statute.

This law, named after the man that proposed it, was made to implement a broad-set of subsidies to companies in the in the manufacturing sector to get the nation's industries "back to picking up the economy." Many of the subsidies, especially aimed at Aidia's top sectors, include production quotas for additional funding. Despite the bill's broad nature, a list of several industries were given special attention with the subsidies of the fund, including the textiles/clothing, medicine, automobiles, machinery, motor parts, agricultural equipment, food/drink processing (especially wine), and aviation industrial sectors. Other businesses, especially small businesses and those involved with the nation's tourism market, were given a part in the subsidy budget to help increase the nation's damaged tourism sector. Finally, the fund also allocated a portion of it to help rebuild the nation's infrastructure, aimed at helping the populace get back on their feet after the war.

With such bafflingly generous subsidy shares from the government, many have been asking where the money is coming from. Well, the government is gaining it a number of ways. True to their nature, the UEA proposed making it viable by cutting down the government size, and the UAA obliged. Many of the departments in the government saw a slight cut in staff, and resources were allocated to the fund instead of government paychecks. Furthermore, the Avanoran Reconstruction and Development Fund gave the government breathing room to work with, and much of that was geared towards this effort. Finally, some of the nation's welfare programs, especially those aimed at helping the jobless, were cut to save money for the bill.

With this, we will begin incentivizing our companies to begin employing again. Once more, Aidia will become an industrial power to be envied."
- Consul Vanni Fiaschi of the UAA

When it came down to voting for the bill, it seemed the right-wing coalition finally found its bearings. It managed to sway the majority of its senators into voting in favor the new law, which was a huge turn around from the vote of the Regrowth Statute. Notably, party leaders of the UAA have been rumored to have threatened to boot out decenters if their numbers were too large, though the UAA has not confirmed this. Most shocking of all, however, was the moderate support from the left-wing.

Once again, the bill may not have passed if it weren't for the SAA and SCA moderates that voted in favor of the bill, as the UDR defected from the coalition and largely voted against it citing concerns of industry encroaching on agrarian-sector concerns. While the SCA had only 18 Senators support it, it is still evidence of a quickly-forming divide in the party between moderates and hardline Syndicalists. The Leadership of the SAA, which was ultimately responsible for the shift in favor of the proposal, have claimed that the bill was flawed, though it could still improve the economy, thus making it worthwhile to vote into law now and then modify it later to be beneficial for the people.

Ultimately, the vote ended up passing 238/357, a much larger percentage of the Senate than the previous Regrowth Statute. With the passage of the bill, Aidia's manufacturers are now getting subsidized, and have begun the process of getting back to business as usual.

Time will tell, however, if the engine will continue to run.

Inauguration of the Cartier Central Station
13 Embersend, 1832
The National Railway Corporation, greater than ever (allegedly)

After a short rebranding, where SFI (Société Ferroviaire Impériale) was re-initialized into SFN (Société Ferroviaire Nationale), operations continued as normal after independence. The economic shock of the cutoff from a global market tanked revenues for a while, but after the government instituted infrastructure projects and subsidies to keep companies afloat, the market recovered most of its lost value.

These projects, notably urban reconstruction, ocean liners and forestry ventures further up north, required immense amounts of material and people moved. The NRC was tasked with the transportation of these goods, keeping their revenues steady for the following years.

Demand for Arnian goods in Acaris and Litanie drove up prices, making industries run at full capacity for a good amount of time. With soaring profits, large part of which are government funds, the NRC got to work to creating a series of great train stations across Arnyvonna’s major cities.

It’s all about ~Prestige~

The first of these projects was finalized in Embertide and preparations for the opening of the station in Fort Émeraude continued all the way into Emberrule. After much fanfare and speeches from CEOs and politicians alike, Cartier Central Station opened near the Fort Émeraude harbour.

Many more across Arnyvonna’s major cities are under construction.

Emergency Elections! New Prime Minister reaffirms the stability of Meyle and establishes new trade deals!

After the assassination and attempted coup of the colony's highest authorities The Meylean Assembly will undergo emergency elections to either confirm or vote in new politicians. This new emergency election has lead to the very first official party to recieve seats in the Assembly. Many liberal pro-independence politicians, in an effort to distance themselves from the more radical independence supporters have created the first party in Meyle to run candidates under them. This new party, Meyru Maepchinsaia is, by default, the largest party in the Assembly and confirms former Deputy Teler Kaçumu as the new Prime Minister. In his confirmation speech Prime Minister Teler spoke of how Meyle is as Stable as it ever has been and a few dissidents who have been traumatized by the war shall not bring their proud nation down. He confirms the continuation of plans for the cultural fair and immediately gets to work to reaffirm Meylean security and trust in foreign markets.

Amidst the diplomatic handlings with Gelenia economically Meyle has recieved much success in their attempts to open up their foreign market. Securing trade deals with the landlocked nation of Ki-Vilapodi. Mainly securing exports of agriculture, silver, and other precious gems in exchange for gold. This deal is seen as especially lucrative to the Meylean government as it will allow them to focus on building a liquid reserve. While Meyle does not mint their own currency as they are a Gelenian colony. Their growing independence and desire to break-away will allow the development of these reserves to both boost the Meylean domestic economy and secure any future currency they create. Further exports supporting the famine in Aidia and droughts in Korasha help support buisnesses and promote growth with the new export incentives.

The biggest trade deal secured was with the nation of Vadelicia. Despite the lack of official Meylean independence the Vadelician Government's desire for foreign investment and their friendly overtures to the Meylean government, who themselves were looking to invest their funds in foreign countries, have led to the development of a comprehensive trade and investment treaty. Bringing both countries closer in relations and economics. The trade deal saw Meyle reinvest its liquid reserves and trade budget in securing a land lease for a period of 100 years in an undeveloped but valuable area on the Vadelician coastline. This small region Meyle intends to develop into a vibrant trade port to both help facilitate trade of Meylean and Vadelician products. The trade agreement also gave extensive tax breaks to Meylean companies looking to start up in Vadelicia for a period of 5 years and a lowering of tariffs between both countries. Meylean's still protectionist government, who already held slightly above average tariffs brought them down to slightly below average and Vadelicia's tariffs were lowered accordingly. Such a deal is considered exactly the break the Meylean government was looking for and already plans are drawn up for the new city and suburbs along with the infrastructure to handle the freight and trade coming in and out of this new city.

The trade deal, promoting Meylean buisnesses to come into the country has seen a proverbial gold rush with the big companies of Meyle. Tanpanshaiath quickly bought up some steel and refinement factories while other countries primarily have begun investing in mines and other industry sectors. With Meyle not having as large raw resource deposit and not as quality as Vadelicia has, having access to these will help supplement their domestic trade and supply while developing Vadelicia and providing jobs. Although some retractors claim that its too soon to start investing in foreign countries and take away jobs the benefits of such a deal cannot be ignored. The protectionist government though still ensures jobs for Meyleans and with job and economic growth in Meyle still growing at a good rate worries are not very vocal. Meylean city planners say they will begin construction of the city in 3 years with permament residency possible in another 4 after that. Initial estimates make them set the city for up to 100,000 residents and commuters with plans in place in case of eventual expansion. As companies continue investing in the city looking to help fund this effort railrods, ports, and even a small airport are planned area. The Meyleans natural interest in aesthetics and beauty make them want the city to be both functional while also looking aesthetic. An ambitious project indeed but with the government full of glorified economists they try to keep their plans realistic and steady to not possibly sink too much of the Meylean economy into what could a fruitless venture.

Naming competitions for this new city are also set forth. So far the top 3 initial contenders are Kalma, Chin Anise, and Kiançilu. Although more names are likely to be promoted in the coming years before one is officially decided upon.

Finally a small section of land was ceded in Vadelician capital to operate as a Liason and public office for ethnic Meyleans in the country. While Meyle is de jure not independent they cannot legally open an Embassy in Vadelicia and so while the building is planned to operate as a pseudo embassy it is official labelled as a "Economic and Cultural Office for Meyle in Vadelicia". Jani Akaluielva will be employed as the first head of the office. An avid and skilled diplomat he is excited to represent his country in a foreign land and help foster a good working relationship with their new partners.

Snorting Stew

The most traditional Siiqiran food is the kalaqtuquujuq, the snorting stew. It's the kind of long-stewed food that you can keep cooking over a fire for a whole day, and then feast on with a whole family in the evening. It consists of chunks of reindeer or goat meat and hardy vegetables enrobed in a thick gravy and served with flatbreads and berry jam. As for the name, there's a million different stories as to where it came from, but it's generally agreed that it stems from the sounds the stew makes as it slowly cooks for hours. Supposedly, one herder couldn't tell the difference between the pop of a bubble and the snorts of his reindeer, and the name's stuck ever since.

It's a food that isn't cooked much in the cities any more, as the increasing busywork of life eats into the time that could otherwise be spent on cooking and hunting. But out in the rural areas, the villages and the pastoral lands, it still remains a popular dish for feeding big groups, and the sort of feast one makes for a family member coming home after a long absence.

A young man would enter the cabin of his family to the wonderfully nostalgic smell of that snorting stew bubbling away. His name was Pikatti, and during the Great War he had served in the Novogaardic Eastern Fleet. Wartime injuries had left him with a hobbling walk and a newfound fervor, and he had found himself caught up in the urban storm of politics and debate as a journalist for a newly established newspaper.

But at this moment, that was at the back of his mind. Now there was only the stew and the faces of his family, happy to see him after his absence.

"Oh, there you are, son!," his mother cooed from where she sat stirring the stew, while his father gave him a hug. Then they sat down to eat, Pikatti listening to the stories of his family's herd. He came from a very traditional herding family, and he was admittedly lucky to even be able to visit them like this. Had it been any later he might have had to hike out to them somewhere in the taiga. They moved with the season and with the herd, and a city slicker like him could not always keep up.

He then regaled them with tales from the cities. The growing distrust of Novogaardic rule after the war and the whispers of independence in meeting halls and alleys. There would be change soon, he could feel it in his bones, and he wasn't quite sure what to think of it. His parents seemed all to happy to hear that there might be greater freedoms in the future for them, without any worry of rule from the west, but Pikatti, even with what he'd experienced during the war, wasn't quite so sure.

But in the end, they washed away those thoughts with a spoonful of gravy and cloudberry jam.

Hello folks 👋

Edropia wrote:Hello folks 👋

Howdy 🙋

Hagston wrote:Howdy 🙋

Wow you've been here this whole time too? Life be crazy yo

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