Region: The Celestial Empire
The Confrontation Part I
Kaiser Cylis had recently returned from the signing of The Celestial Imperial Alliance, exhausted he had spent the last two days in his quarters. His daughter had assisted him in recovering from his travels. He might arrive in a diplomatic assembly in an aeroplane instead of a car next time. While he had been recovering from bruises from his travels he had finished governmental papers, new laws and decrees, among other things. All of the sudden one of his servants interrupted his musings of the past with an explosion of exclamation: " O great Kaiser! A mysterious stranger has asked for your presence!". Confused, Cylis sat up from his lounge,"What does this fellow inquire of me?". The servant replied cautiously with " He wishes only to speak with you.". Somewhat annoyed he shoos away the servant, and makes sure that he is in proper court attire. Once certain he proceeds to his throne, a chair intricately carved by chisels and woodwork made from the city of Karinsar. The mysterious figure bows respectfully before Cylis, his features hidden behind a black robe. "Speak, peculiar guest. Does thou have inferior motives?" Cylis inquiry seemed to have bounced off of his palace walls. "Oh, Kaiser my intentions are of no ill intent. I come to offer you power, which you cannot find without my authority.". Amused, Cylis replies,"Why shroud yourself in robes if thou wert so powerful?". "Thou hast asked a valid question. I come hidden in robes to prevent my powers from affecting them from its effects." the visitor replied in an almost quiet voice.
"What is this power you speak of so cautiously?" Cylis asked. "Yet another question, and I shall ask thee a question the same. What shall all things do, in war and in peace? Answer this and I shall further reveal my intentions.". Cylis had always enjoyed riddles as a child, perhaps his court magician had set this up? No matter, he would play along. Cylis replies, " Ah, a riddle to test my wit. Let's see what happens in both war and peace to all things... hmmm... could love? Nay, for love can be lost in both war and peace. I have it! You speak of death, for death is present both in peace times and in wartimes.". The hood of the visitor slips to his neck, replying he says, "Thou art correct, for I am Shiniyan, the God of Death. Thou has passed my test. Thou looked troubled, thou wishest to know why I chose you. I chose you since that art in many ways like me, for in company's presence you wear a helmet of concealment. In practice thou art is as cold as death itself, and yet equal in all regards. Persist only for 12 days of most dreadful of demons and I shall pass my torch to you, for even the God of death must pass back to the earth.". With this, the visitor seemily dissipates into the shadowy crevices of the pillars holding the great Kentuian Palace up. Cylis leaning forwards in his throne, utterly confused by the circumstances that have just occurred. A deep red glow spreads from the servant corridors, screams can be heard perforating the halls of Cylis' home. Concerned Cylis rushes towards the door, pulling them opens a scene that echoes only that of which dead men see...
-End of Part I The Confrontation Kentu