Region: The Celestial Empire
The Testament of Heinrichsburg- Part I of III
May, 1912
The hot and sultry summer weather in northern Swarzia hadn't helped to diffuse the tensions brewing in the cities of Heinrichsburg and Minau. The almost-daily protests, which had been taking place since April of that year, were undeniable proof of the deteriorating situation in the untamed north.
A gazette article had appeared seemingly overnight- "Interview with President Lanceson of Kalquen", it read, simply, and it had spread like wildfire all over Heinrichsburg.
The morning of May twenty-ninth dawned like any other; hot and humid. It was supposed to be a working-day, but the factory owners found that their employees were conspicuously missing.
In the city of Hess, a cool breeze swept puffs of leaves along the concourses of the inner city, and a telephone in one of the Palace's many offices rang. The operator picked it up, his frown only growing as the person on the other end spoke. Finally, he hung up.
The Princes of Swarzia found themselves called into an emergency meeting.
"There are strikes," an aide pointed to Heinrichsburg on a map of Swarzia, "occurring all over the city. We don't know the extent of this demonstration yet, but most of the city hasn't turned in to work, citing the Collectivist ideology."
Grand Duke Wolfgang scratched his beard. "I thought that Imperial had the book banned in Swarzia."
At the mention of his presence, the doors to the meeting-room flew open. Zang Hundan, the Imperial Plenipotentiary, strolled in, followed by a pair of frazzled-looking guards.
"Good morning, gentlemen," the Imperial said jovially, the swishing of his great yellow robe the only sound in the room as the three highest-ranking Swarzians in the nation stared him down, their hands resting on their rapiers.
"What are you doing here?" Prince Helmut said. The young Rothgard had his hand planted firmly on the hilt of his sword.
"The same as you three," said Hundan. "The situation in Heinrichsburg has escalated out of control. It is now up to the Celestial Empire to deal with the situation."
"I can handle this situation," said the Grand Duke, scowling. "Your... assistance is not needed."
"Quite the contrary." Zang Hundan strolled across the room, taking a pen from a confused advisor. "Your lax control of the crisis has lead to too much dissent. I will be taking action, on behalf of the Emperor, as I see fit." He outlined three arrows on the map, leading into Heinrichsburg from three directions. "The army will be deployed to force these strikers to return to work. They will arrest those who do not comply, and execute the instigators."
But when the soldiers of the Ducal Army marched into the outskirts of Heinrichsburg, they found their way blocked by barricades made of furniture and pallets. Atop the ramparts fluttered a flag, red and white.