Region: The Celestial Empire
The Revolutionary (IV)
"The Herald of Absolutism and the Flame of Change"
December, NL 16
With the close of the sixteenth and second posthumous year of New Life came a new Imperial Era, and as the Swarzian nobility would find out, a change in the way Swarzia would be run.
After the debacle with Elodia at the beginning of the year, Prince Helmut von Rothgard had assumed that what goodwill the Swarzians still held with the Imperial regency in Nhasa had been squandered.
However, what he hadn't taken into account was the measures that the regency had taken to push Swarzia back in line.
"Prince Helmut," the man standing at the front of the room said, "and Prince Constantin. Do you know the reason why I have summoned the two of you?"
The mysterious emissary spoke in near-perfect Swarzian, yet his appearance wouldn't make one assume that he was a Swarzian.
For he was draped in a fine robe as was the custom in Nhasa, made of green cloth with golden dragons; a high-set collar obscured his liver-spotted neck, and a small black hat sat precariously atop his hairless head.
"No," Prince Helmut said. "That is none of my concern."
"My name," said the man, speaking over Helmut's insubordination, "Is Zang Hundan, appointed emissary of his majesty the Supreme Regent." He leered at the two princes, but before he could continue the door swung open.
"What is the meaning of this?" came Grand Duke Wolfgang's voice, as he entered the room. "Explain to me why the position of 'Imperial Plenipotentiary of Provincial Oversight'," he said, squinting at Hundan, "Has been appointed to my cabinet without my knowledge or approval."
"Pleased you came in time," Hundan said in an oily voice. "You see," a smug grin flashed across his face- "The Regency in Nhasa has given me complete freedom to supervise the operations of this province."
"Now," Prince Constantin said, slowly, "When was this decided?"
Hundan ignored him. "Grand Duke, from now on, the policies you draft will have to be reviewed by the Imperial Plenipotentiary- yours truly- before they can be put into effort." He smiled. "Unfortunately, your actions in the Elodian Crisis have proved to the Supreme Regent that your judgement cannot be trusted."
"This is an outrage," Prince Constantin repeated, standing, but Hundan seemed unfazed.
"From tomorrow," the Celestial said, "I will enforce the will of the Imperial government in this... ill-tempered province."
"On whose authority?" Wolfgang's gaze narrowed at the smirking man. "As the Grand Duke of Sw-"
"On the authority of the Supreme Regent, and by extension the Emperors Ren Osarrus the Twenty-Fourth and Twenty-Fifth." Hundan held aloft a scroll. "You may, of course, ignore the directive of the capital, if the Swarzian race is truly as insubordinate and backstabbing as I've been told."
Princes Helmut and Constantin shouted in rage, shooting up from their seats and drawing their rapiers simultaneously. Hundan smiled calmly.
After a dozen tense seconds, Grand Duke Wolfgang's grip loosened on the pistol he had gripped under his coat.
"Put your blades away," he said, to the princes. Reluctantly, the two sheathed their swords and retook their seats.
"He means to insult us," Constantin said bitterly, under his breath, as the newly-appointed Plenipotentiary Hundan smirked.
"That concludes the purpose of my visit," he said, bowing. "I bid you all a good evening." The Celestial left the room.
The royal court of December thirtieth was subdued. Perhaps it was because of the newly-appointed Imperial Plenipotentiary, as he was called by Princes Helmut and Constantin. The Celestial lingered at the fringes of the room, occasionally locking stares with the nobles, but did not say anything for most of the day as advisors came and went. Constantly watching, dressed in a fine robe of violet and silver, bejewelled with valuable rings and enveloped in the odious stench of perfume.
They whispered. Rumours had begun to circulate that the Grand Duke had lost his control over the province to a eunuch.
And in the evening, their suspicions were all but confirmed. There were the usual announcements; reminders to not carry firearms in the palace, mentions of upcoming masquerade balls and charity dinners, and holidays.
Grand Duke Wolfgang made another announcement at the end.
"By order of the regency," he said, "A new office will be created in the Swarzian government. The Imperial Plenipotentiary of Provincial Oversight," he gestured to Hundan, who smirked, "Will represent the Empire's opinion when it comes to Swarzia's policymaking. That is all."
Plenipotentiary Hundan crossed the floor, as the nobles watched, and whispered something in the Grand Duke's ear. Unlike the Swarzians, the eunuch-minister had no sword by his waist, for his mere rank alone shielded him from would-be assailants.
The duke grimaced.
"And in recognition of the volatile political environment in Swarzia, the Duchy will be enforcing stricter laws on political material and literature. It is the regency's wish that the book known as the Collectivist Manifesto is to be banned from ownership and retail within the next month!"