Region: The Celestial Empire
A King and his subjects: part 1
Grand City of Wenchestier March 19th, 1911
The troops gather in formation infront of the palace. Their Burgundy coats freshly clean, sun Reflecting off the shine of their boots, and their faces clean shaved. They stand with their issued Manchester lever action rifles tucked into their shoulders awaiting to be inspected by the king. These men stand holding strong military bearing as they patiently await. The palace doors open and the echoing of boots make it's way down the stone steps. King walks down In his burgundy uniform clicking his heels on the cobblestone road with every step. Next to the him is a young boy also in a burgundy uniform following his father as he learns how to inspect the troops. They Make there way to the front where they meet the general who renders a salute. “Your Highness, the troops are assembled and ready for inspection.” The general states as King Astror salutes in return. The men walk the line as they look upon the line infantry and calvary.
“General Albon, the troops are magnificent. Is There and discrepancies to report at this time?” The king states as he looks at each soldier.
“Your highness with all respect. I do believe it's time for us to adapt to the new doctrine of warfare in order to keep up with the world. Also your highness we should move on from the colorful uniforms to offer us a better advantage tactically.” The general states as he follows next to the king and the prince.
“General Albon, I understand your concern but our troops must maintain a professional soldierly look. Also changing our tactics and fighting like savages. War yet gruesome must still preserve honor and order the King explains as romances of the old ways of fighting when he led troops as a young officer. They continue to march down to review the troops but young Astror looks more towards the gate Out of boredom. He then lays his eyes upon a green eyed girl about his age her face covered in coal dust her braided hair has small frays.
“Mikeal… Mikeal!!! Boy how do I expect you to lead a regiment if you are gazing off into the heavens!” The King Scoffs. “Now when you inspect your troops….” his higness mutters on. Mikeal cant stop thinking about the young girl. Her beautiful green eyes. Even tho she was covered in coal dust she was the most angelic woman he's ever seen. “... check the cleanliness of the rifle… The boots if they are shined… Mikeal this is all leads to discipline. if you lack discipline You will never Win a skirmish.” The three men carry on with the inspection.
The young woman at the gate slowly leaves and walks behind a building to an alleyway as she marks down a note about the troops in formation. She places it in her wool cap then proceeds down the street. The dim oil street lights light the way down the main road and the uneven cobbleroad snakes down the industrial district. Homeless men in tattered clothes and wool blankets panhandle for food, money or clothes. She makes her way into a bar walking towards the back of the building she passes drunkards, men brawling over a bet, and countless women of the night trying to make a living off sin. “Klarizza! Good to see you.. you.. beaut!” The drunk man in charge of the women yells. “When… are you gonna …. Work for me!”
“In your dreams George. Imma make a name for myself and bring change to this world.” Klarizza states after rolling her eyes at the drunk.
“Fairy Tales!! Just accept it you need money I can get you a job. You give me cut then you don't have to deal with the tax colletor… What you say?” George says with a grin and puts his dirty hand our to attempt to shake on a deal.
“Or how about this you stay away from me from now on. Or it would be a shame if your wife knows what you do to new hires… Your choice George.” Klarizza says with a stark smile as she remembers she has her revolver tucked In her waistline in case something happens. George scoffs then pouts over his mug. “Smart man George.” Klarizza says as she walks to the back of the bar. She looks around to make sure no one is around then she lifts a trap door and climbs below the bar. In her dark tunnel that she calls home she makes her way down the dim lit hallway. She enters the main cavern where she has crates of stolen Astroran military rifles, ammo, and basic military equipment. “Only enough rifles from not even a company…” she mutters. On the table In the middle of the room there's a map of Astror she places her notes on the table. She pulls up her chair and kicks up her feet. Leaning back she grab A bottle of wine and sips. “The others should not be late… Hopefullythey aren't compromised….” She mutters waiting for her subordinates to arrive. “Vieve La Revolution” she chuckles as she sips her wine in silence.