The World World Census

The Most Developed in the World

The World Census compiles a "Human Development Index" by measuring citizens' average life expectancy, education, and income.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Empire of CorsariaCorrupt Dictatorship“Personal sacrifice for the betterment of all.”
2.The Republic of Kiasu-ismDemocratic Socialists“Kiasi, Kiabor, and most importantly... Kiasu!”
3.The Rising Sun's Land of YaorozuPsychotic Dictatorship“八百万神 天の安の河原に 神集ひ集ひて”
4.The United Empire of Socialist XlyvaniaLiberal Democratic Socialists“Fear not going forward slowly; fear only standing still”
5.The Empire of BistrostanDemocratic Socialists“Big things come in small packages”
6.The Republic of WilkshireScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Everyone for everyone else”
7.The Federal Commonwealth of Pax AureaLeft-wing Utopia“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
8.The Morally Questionable People of FlibblersPsychotic Dictatorship“Flibble”
9.The Benevolent Queendom of Divine CervineDemocratic Socialists“Where the deer’s swift leap startles the wild bee”
10.The Meme template enthusiast of Outer SpartaDemocratic Socialists“Promote and Preserve”
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