The Largest Populations in The Celestial Empire

The following nations have the greatest number of citizens.

As a region, The Celestial Empire is ranked 25,974th in the world for Largest Populations.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Imperial Prefecture of KidaiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Long Live the Celestial Empire”
2.The Republic of SSN95Moralistic Democracy“Erin Go Bragh”
3.The Democratic Republic of TemrisMoralistic Democracy“Steadfast in Loyalty”
4.The March of KolchCorrupt Dictatorship“When the sun kisses the sand, a patriot's heart swells.”
5.The Republic of HoydlandCapitalist Paradise“Progresiin Tov.”
6.The Dominion of TangwenPsychotic Dictatorship“Revere the throne, banish the invader.”
7.The Confederacy of KushmirePsychotic Dictatorship“Die in a Blaze of Glory, or don't Die at All”
8.The Grand Duchy of CelaguunCompulsory Consumerist State“Mare vinctus est, nunc solum terram resistit.”
9.The Republic of KalquenLeft-wing Utopia“To the people goes the nation”
10.The Imperial Province of The Union of the Three RiversInoffensive Centrist Democracy“International Trade Never Hurt Anyone”