The Most Primitive in The Celestial Empire

Nations were ranked by World Census officials based on the number of natural phenomena attributed to the unknowable will of animal-based spirit gods.

As a region, The Celestial Empire is ranked 12,410th in the world for Most Primitive.

NationWorldScary Big Number Scale
11.The Empire of Zaladin64,857th49.6
12.The Holy Empire of Devours65,710th48.99
13.The Imperial Province of The Union of the Three Rivers81,887th37.25
14.The Dominion of Tangwen84,713th34.93
15.The Republic of Consenia88,487th32.4
16.The Sultanate of Yeniev88,826th31.78
17.The Democratic Republic of Crasiandia92,668th28.28
18.The Empire of Largiolapa93,408th27.36
19.The Holy Empire of Maratolia94,816th25.5
20.The Grand Duchy of Florenceian99,030th21.21