The Least Corrupt Governments in Papastan

World Census agents tempted government officials with financial and other inducements to bend the rules and recorded how often their proposals were declined.

As a region, Papastan is ranked 29,917th in the world for Least Corrupt Governments.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Dominion of PapaJackyLeft-wing Utopia“Abolēfacite Omnia Monstra”
2.The Agricultural Paradise of AppleJackyLiberal Democratic Socialists“Amō Amōrem”
3.The Galactic Trade Conglomerate of PapaDrackyAnarchy“Omnēs Enim Aliēnōs Galaxiārum Prōvidēmus”
4.The Matriarchy of PapaBellumPsychotic Dictatorship“Hic Sunt Bella Dracones”