The Highest Economic Output in Latinoamerica Libre

World Census bean-counters crunched the numbers to calculate national Gross Domestic Product. Older nations, with higher populations, were noted to have a distinct advantage.

As a region, Latinoamerica Libre is ranked 8,610th in the world for Highest Economic Output.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Theocracy of Paradisus IslandsMoralistic Democracy“By the Blood of Christ”
2.The Most Serene Republic of Estados Unidos de las AmericasNew York Times Democracy“E pluribus unum”
3.The Republic of Le FranceNew York Times Democracy“Libertad, Igualdad, Fraternidad”
4.The Empire of SindumanothCorporate Bordello“Vivir para Servir y Obedecer hasta la Muerte”
5.The Criminals Organizations of The DinastyFather Knows Best State“The Family is First”
6.The Incorporated States of Union PanamericanaNew York Times Democracy“Por una America Unida”
7.The Lanfang Auspicious Empire of Nueva ChinaDemocratic Socialists“蘭芳永遠崛起,傲慢強大”
8.The Confederacy of VentrelNew York Times Democracy“La Confederacion Unida hace la Fuerza”
9.The Dominion of Latinamerica LibreNew York Times Democracy“Vocero Oficial de Latinoamerica Libre”
10.The Republic of KarelianskCorporate Bordello“Trabajadores Unidos Nunca Serán Vencidos”