The Most Alphabetically Ascendent in The Celestial Empire

Linguistic experts debated late into the night to place nations in alphabetical order.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Most Serene Republic of AlopanAuthoritarian Democracy“Hoc hic mysterium fidei firmiter profitemur”
2.The Kingdom of AnguiInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Stability and Prosperity for the Future”
3.The Empire of Bayern 2nd empireNew York Times Democracy“God, Homeland, Liberty”
4.The Grand Duchy of CelaguunCompulsory Consumerist State“Mare vinctus est, nunc solum terram resistit.”
5.The Empire of ChitkaraNew York Times Democracy“We Will Endure”
6.The Armed Republic of CienNew York Times Democracy“We fight for a better country”
7.The Republic of ConseniaDemocratic Socialists“Freedom”
8.The Democratic Republic of CrasiandiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Strength Through Freedom”
9.The Ken'Raels of DeheudirPsychotic Dictatorship“The Dawn Has Come, Victory is Near”
10.The Holy Empire of DevoursCivil Rights Lovefest“IN THIS WORLD I SHALL SHOW U WHAT REAL WORLD IS REALLY ”