
by The Méritocratique Qui Marchande of Gallade. . 157 reads.

IGP: USDL - CKMRF (Counter Kosher Meat Response Forces)

International Galladian Protocol: United Snazzy Defence League - Counter Kosher Meat Response Forces

"For God's sake Ethel, put some pants on"

GOAL: To ensure the total and unequivocal compliance of Regional Legislation S001 - Keep Ethel From Running About With His Little Man Out amongst all member states of Snazzy.

JURISDICTION: All member states are required under S001 to allow CKMRF operatives unrestricted entry to any and all national fashion retailers, tailors, pawn shops, church collection bins and/or unguarded laundry hampers to ensure the success of CKMRF's mission of keeping Ethel in tightie whities (or in case of emergency, boxers) at all times and to prevent a possible region-wide apocalyptic scenario hereby termed Oh God Can't Unsee.

FUNDING AND MANAGEMENT: All expenses accrued by CKMRF shall be paid for by Gallade under standard IGP procedure, excluding:

-Collateral damage caused to structures, area or persons during CKMRF raids.

-Collateral damage caused to pants during CKMRF raids.

-Testicular trauma, acute or otherwise, to Ethel during CKMRF raids.

Exceptions will instead be covered through sanctions, monetary and phallic, imposed upon Ethel mermania for non-compliance with and/or blatant disrespect for S001.

IGP: USDL - CKMRF. We Care About Not Seeing What's Down There.
