
by Regional congress. . 362 reads.

War System

Drafted 9/2/17 by Zhokinland
Edited by Kharsgayland

These rules are nothing but a guideline system for the War Council in determining how wars will go.


Upon declaring war, (or committing a violent action that would most likely induce war), all contestants will submit battle plans to the War Council. The quality of the plan will affect your modifier for any war. The opponents will then each roll 1d20’s, and after modifiers, the nation with the highest roll wins the battle.

One key factor is governmental defense expenditure in combination with your total population, the other factor is made up by your nation's arms manufacturing (extremely important), scientific advancement (very important) and manufacturing sector (basic importance).
A calculation based on these key factors will make your nation's MSI (military strength index), which will be greatly relevant to compare your nation's power to the one you are going to face in battle.

-20% for no planning.
-10% for poor planning.
-5% for substandard planning.
+5% for moderate planning.
+10% for above average planning.
+20% for outstanding, detailed planning.

+2 on a surprise attack modifier. The defending nation has a chance to spot this. If a surprise attack is spotted, then they are able to view the enemy’s battle plan before they draft theirs.

+6 if your plan exploits a critical weakness in the enemy nations plan.

-1 for every piece of land currently occupied.

Miscellaneous bonuses or penalties may be applied based on specific details of the plan, or separate actions from the nation.

Submission of what the admin deems as an “unrealistic plan” will receive the “North Korean Ego Bonus” in which your roll will suffer anywhere from a -4 to a -10 on your roll.
Example: “i walk through the army single handedly and shoot everybody and kill them all.”

Nuclear Warfare:
Nukes may be fired at a nation amongst a war if the nation is capable of producing them. Warheads are very likely to be shot down, and frowned upon by many members of congress. The launch of a nuclear warhead renders the affected area on the map permanently uninhabitable. A nation may send a nuclear warhead towards another nation as a part of their plan as a separate 1d20-8. If the nation has a higher defense force than yours, the defending nation gets an extra +2 on their saving roll. All adjacent nations may assist in shooting down the missile.

If the RAF were to be entered into a war, they will act on whatever current members of congress vote on. Opposing the RAF constitutes an in-character ejection from congress, (Not the Region) during the war to prevent players from viewing their battle plan. Member Nations may fight alongside the RAF. The RAF gains a +1 modifier rounded up for every $1 trillion dollars they have in funding.

If a population is invaded, and an army takes control of a territory, the population there is taken hostage. If the population has an excess of 50% of the population owning guns, and a higher compliance rate than the enemy, then the citizenry may roll for another chance to impede progress of the invading army. If the defending nation has a high political apathy, then the population bonus is rendered null, and militia can not be formed.

If an assaulting force wins a battle, they will take control of a certain amount of territory from the enemy. Should the defending force win a battle, the assaulting force is repelled, and may not assault that position again for 12 real life hours. A war is determined when a peace agreement is drafted, or when the nation is conquered.

Regional congress

