
by Ral ixshida. . 3,285 reads.

Geography of Ral Ixshida

The world of Ral Ixshida is 24,860 km wide. An average day on Ral Ixshida lasts 32 hours, and a calendar year of 375 days. It has three moons, two of which are colonized. The first habitable moon, is named Auran, it is 4.832.9 km in size. The second habitable moon is known as Icarus, it is 4.183.3 km in size. Auran is a class E moon, which is comprised of a solid continent with various seas, forests, deserts, mountains, and a host of other various rare features. Icarus is a class N moon, which is comprised of a solid continent that contains two large polar ice caps on either side of the planet; it is predominant desert landscape with a handful of seas that are manmade and various vast mountain ranges.

Ral Ixshida has five mega continents: Heran, Ren, Tristan, Faros, and Nayora. It also has the smallest continent of Latsura which is home to Latsudan which is the planetary capital of Ral Ixshida.

Latsura rests in the middle of the Daos Ocean roughly in-between Ren and Heran. Latsura is roughly 10,438,281 km in size. At the center of Latsura, is the planetary capital of Latsudan, which is home to roughly 20,000,000 people. Latsudan is situated near what is known as a multi-tiered plateau. The Temple of Light is built on and around this plateau. At the very top of the plateau is the temple proper, which spans the length of the entire top tier, surrounded by thick walls. The other two tiers span outwards in all directions. These two tiers are home to various shrines, housing, an armory and other various assortments of buildings that are meant for the Anointed One who is in charge of guarding and protecting the temple. The Seraphim Legions make their home on the temple’s lesser plateaus, serving as permanent guards for the temple. To the north of Latsudan sits the Hemridge Mountains, which border the northern half of the city. To the south, west, and east, the city is surrounded by vast prairie. Farther south sits Lake Lehran. Latsura makes up 5% of the planets population.

Nayora is the largest of the continents, situated in the far northeastern hemisphere of the continent. It is roughly 114, 656,493 km in size. Nayora is home to the largest collection of seas in the world, it is also home to the vast Nayru Sea, which is the largest fresh water sea in the world with a size of 124,421 km size. Nayora is home to many vast mountain ranges and large forests. The majority of the population rests on Nayora, nearly 45% of the populace.

Heran is the second largest of the continents; it is situated in the northern hemisphere, approximately 50,185 km west of Nayora. Heran is 811, 973, 70 km in size. It is home to many large dark forests as well as many deep freshwater lakes. Heran has the largest mountain range in the world, the Dethun Mountain range which is home to the largest mountain, Mount Kiran, which is 52,283 ft in either. As a result, Heran is quite mountainous as a continent, with many large communities who have established large underground cities which hold massive populations. 22% of the world’s population lives on Heran.

Faros is the third largest of the continents; it is situated in the southern hemisphere, approximately 67,432 km south of Heran and 82,523 km southwest of Nayora. Faros is 167, 139, 52 km in size. Faros is predominantly forested with the largest river in the world flowing through it. That river is known as the Faren River and it moves down through the continent at a length 24,298 km. Faros is also largely forested with rather impressive mountains as well as vast savannahs. Faros is home to 14% of the population, many parts of the continent are preserved as nature reserves and national parks.

The continents of Ren and Tristan are roughly the same size in diameter. Both are about 543,283, 23 km in size. Both continents are connected by a long and large land bridge that at its largest point spans 454.293 km and at its smallest is 24,293 km in size. Ren is in the northern hemisphere, while Tristan is in the southern, the land bridge passes through the equator to connect both. Ren is predominantly mountainous, with several large forests, vast savannahs, and several massive deserts. It is home to the largest desert in the world known as the Remos Desert, which spans nearly 132, 482 km in size and encompasses most of the southern part of the continent. The land bridge that connects the two is primarily desert in the north, but as one gets farther south, they find themselves in the rich tropical jungles of Tristan which make up nearly 88% of the continent. Tristan is home to the second largest river in the world, the Sienne River, which is 18,298 km, travelling from the northern part of the continent into the deep southern half of the continent. Ren and Tristan hold the two smallest populations Ren is home to 8% of the populace, the majority of the population living above the Remos Desert, in the various forested and mountain communities. Tristan holds 6% of the population, most of who live in various regions of the continent that have been settled and cleared of the dense jungle forest that makes up the majority of the continent.

Ral ixshida
